BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2732
                                                                  Page  1

          AB 2732 (Insurance Committee)
          As Amended  June 15, 2014
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |73-0 |(May 8, 2014)   |SENATE: |35-0 |(July 3, 2014) |
           Original Committee Reference:    INS.  

           SUMMARY  :  Makes numerous technical and non-controversial changes  
          to the Labor Code, primarily correcting minor drafting defects  
          from SB 863 (De León) of 2012 (the major workers' compensation  
          reform bill of that year).

           The Senate amendments  delete one provision from the bill as  
          passed by the Assembly, due to a stakeholder objection that the  
          provision was not technical or non-controversial.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations  
          Committee, pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8, negligible state costs.

          Analysis Prepared by  :    Mark Rakich / INS. / (916) 319-2086

                                                               FN: 0004100