BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                            Senator Lois Wolk, Chair

          BILL NO:  SB 116                      HEARING:  4/10/13
          AUTHOR:  Liu                          FISCAL:  Yes
          VERSION:  1/16/13                     TAX LEVY:  No
          CONSULTANT:  Miller                   

                              ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.

          Extends the Emergency Food for Families Check-Off from 2014  
                                  until 2019.

                           Background and Existing Law  

          Existing state law allows taxpayers to contribute money to  
          one or more of 18 voluntary contribution funds (VCFs or  
          check-offs) by checking a box on their state income tax  
          return.  California law requires contributions made through  
          check-offs to be made from taxpayers' own resources and not  
          from their tax liability, as is possible on federal tax  
          returns.  Check-off amounts may be claimed as charitable  
          contributions on taxpayers' tax returns in the subsequent  

          The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) designs tax returns to  
          provide for the designation of contributions to specified  
          funds either on the return itself or on a separate schedule  
          that must be attached to the return.  With a few  
          exceptions, VCFs remain on the return until they are either  
          repealed or fail to meet their minimum contribution amount.  
           The minimum contribution amounts are adjusted annually for  
          inflation.  For most VCFs, the minimum contribution amount  
          is $250,000 in the fund's second year.  The Emergency Food  
          for Families check off's minimum contribution amount for  
          the 2012 calendar year is $347,554.  By September 1st of  
          each year, the FTB must determine the minimum contribution  
          amount required for each fund to remain on the form for the  
          following calendar year and whether estimated contributions  
          to each fund will be less than the minimum contribution  
          amount for that calendar year.  If the FTB estimates that a  
          fund will fail to meet the minimum contribution amount,  
          that fund is repealed effective for taxable years beginning  
          on or after January 1st of the following calendar year. 


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 2

          Except for the California Senior Legislature (which is  
          fully funded by the check off and operates in concert with  
          the Legislature), the proceeds from the check-offs either  
          go to quasi-government organizations or to non-profits as a  
          competitive grant.  The following list provides the current  
          information on all the check offs as well as how many  
          groups are eligible to receive the funds (some of the funds  
          have been repealed by their own terms).

          |Voluntary            |    2012    | Contribution Allotment  |
          |Contribution  Fund   |Contribution|                         |
          |                     |   Totals   |                         |
          |ALS/Lou Gehrig's     |$137,290    |As many as apply and     |
          |Disease Research     |            |receive grants that are  |
          |Fund                 |            |provided for by the      |
          |                     |            |monies contributed.      |
          |Alzheimer's          |$466,485    |As many as contract or   |
          |Disease/Related      |            |receive grants provided  |
          |Disorders Fund       |            |by the monies            |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Arts Council Fund    |$165,647    |As many as apply and     |
          |                     |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |by the monies            |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Breast Cancer     |$440,771    |As many as apply and     |
          |Research Fund        |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |from the monies          |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Cancer Research   |$432,355    |As many as apply and     |
          |Fund                 |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |from the monies          |
          |                     |            |contributed              |
          |CA Firefighters'     |$152,004    |1 Group: California Fire |
          |Memorial Fund        |            |Foundation               |
          |CA Fund for Senior   |$272,742    |1 Group: California      |


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 3

          |Citizens             |            |Senior Legislature       |
          |CA Peace Officer     |$136,172    |1 Group: California      |
          |Memorial Foundation  |            |Peace Officer Memorial   |
          |Fund                 |            |Commission               |
          |CA Police Activities |$67,202     |The state CALPAL and     |
          |League (CALPAL) Fund |            |county CALPAL chapters   |
          |CA Sea Otter Fund    |$351,037    |Department of Fish and   |
          |                     |            |Wildlife, and as many    |
          |                     |            |that apply for grants    |
          |                     |            |and contracts provided   |
          |                     |            |for by 50% of the monies |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Seniors Special   |$61,315     |The first $80K to the    |
          |Fund                 |            |Area Agency on Aging     |
          |                     |            |Advisory Council of      |
          |                     |            |California and the rest  |
          |                     |            |to as many area agencies |
          |                     |            |that the California      |
          |                     |            |Department of Aging      |
          |                     |            |allocates available      |
          |                     |            |contributed monies to.   |
          |CA YMCA Youth and    |Initial Tax |The first $300K to the   |
          |Government Fund      |Return 2012 |CA YMCA Youth and        |
          |                     |            |Government Program and   |
          |                     |            |the rest of the monies   |
          |                     |            |allocated in $10K annual |
          |                     |            |grants as follows:       |
          |                     |            |African American Leaders |
          |                     |            |for Tomorrow Program,    |
          |                     |            |Asian Pacific Youth      |
          |                     |            |Leadership Project,      |
          |                     |            |Chicano Latino Youth     |
          |                     |            |Leadership Project; the  |
          |                     |            |money is to be used to   |
          |                     |            |support program          |
          |                     |            |participation.  Any      |
          |                     |            |remaining funds will be  |
          |                     |            |allocated to the CA YMCA |
          |                     |            |Youth and Government     |
          |                     |            |Program. The Board of    |
          |                     |            |Directors for the CA     |


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 4

          |                     |            |YMCA Youth and           |
          |                     |            |Government Program may   |
          |                     |            |award additional $10K    |
          |                     |            |annual grants to         |
          |                     |            |additional nonprofit     |
          |                     |            |civic youth              |
          |                     |            |organizations. The funds |
          |                     |            |distributed to the CA    |
          |                     |            |YMCA Youth and           |
          |                     |            |Government Program are   |
          |                     |            |to be used for           |
          |                     |            |program-related          |
          |                     |            |expenses.                |
          |CA Youth Leadership  |Initial Tax |1 group: Department of   |
          |Fund                 |Return 2012 |Education to provide for |
          |                     |            |the CA Youth Leadership  |
          |                     |            |Project.                 |
          |CA Veterans Homes    |$210,078    |The number of            |
          |Fund                 |            |established veteran's    |
          |                     |            |homes (7).               |
          |Child Victims of     |$35,317     |As many counseling and   |
          |Human Trafficking    |            |prevention centers that  |
          |Fund                 |            |apply and receive grants |
          |                     |            |provided from monies     |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Emergency Food for   |$551,515    |1 group: Department of   |
          |Families Fund        |            |social services for the  |
          |                     |            |Emergency Food           |
          |                     |            |Assistance Program.      |
          |Municipal Shelter    |$244,701    |As many shelters as      |
          |Spay-Neuter Fund     |            |apply and receive grants |
          |                     |            |provided from the monies |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Rare & Endangered    |$558,681    |1 group: Department of   |
          |Species Preservation |            |Fish and Wildlife        |
          |Program              |            |endangered conservation  |
          |                     |            |programs.                |
          |Safely Surrendered   |$158,645    |1 group: Department of   |
          |Baby Fund            |            |Social Services for      |


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 5

          |                     |            |Safely Surrender Baby    |
          |                     |            |Law awareness programs.  |
          |School Supplies for  |Initial Tax |As many as apply and     |
          |Homeless Children    |Return 2012 |receive grants that are  |
          |Fund                 |            |provided for by the      |
          |                     |            |monies contributed.      |
          |State Children's     |$376,243    |1 group: Department of   |
          |Trust for the        |            |Social Services for      |
          |Prevention of Child  |            |prevention and           |
          |Abuse                |            |intervention programs.   |
          |State Parks          |Initial Tax |As many as purchase a    |
          |Protection           |Return 2012 |parks pass that are      |
          |Fund/Parks Pass      |            |provided for by the      |
          |Purchase             |            |monies contributed.      |

                                   Proposed Law  

          Senate Bill 116 extends the Emergency Food Assistance  
          Program check off on the tax form from January 1, 2014, the  
          current expiration date, until January 1, 2019.  The bill  
          maintains all the existing requirements for the program  
          including the annual reporting by September 1st of each  
          year and the minimum contribution requirements adjusted for  

                               State Revenue Impact
          The FTB estimates that this bill will result in about  
          $10,000 in lost revenue annually. 


          1.   Purpose of the bill  .  According to the author's office,  
          "SB 116 extends the sunset date for the Emergency Food for  
          Families "check-off" fund to 2019.  It allows Californians  
          to continue fighting hunger through contributing to the  
          Emergency Food for Families Fund on state income tax  


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 6

          returns.  These funds provide for local banks to purchase  
          healthy food for low income families."  The Emergency Food  
          for Families check off has consistently had one of the two  
          highest contribution amounts with over $500,000 annually.  

          2.   Is there a better way  ?  Committee analyses previously  
          expressed concern over adding a page to the tax form to  
          accommodate the check-offs.  Since that time, the tax form  
          has grown by a page so every tax check off proposed last  
          year was included in the booklet for the 2012 tax year (see  
          chart above).  With the proliferation of these bills, the  
          Committee may further wish to consider a different tax  
          check-off system all together.  For example, any group that  
          would like the opportunity for check off proceeds and any  
          group currently on the form could apply to the FTB and be  
          listed in the pages of the FTB tax booklet with an  
          associated number.  The tax form could include 10 lines for  
          taxpayers to indicate the number from the form and then  
          those groups would receive the funds.  For example, if the  
          Emergency Food for Families was number 1234 in the booklet,  
          the taxpayer would indicate that he or she wanted $10 to go  
          to "1234" on the form.  This way, the Legislature would no  
          longer have to choose groups for the form and all  
          non-profits and quasi-government organizations would be  
          similarly situated for a tax check off.

          3.   Charity & Government  .  Countless worthy causes may be  
          funded by tax check-offs.  The current system remains  
          subjective and is limited to those organizations that can  
          convince the Legislature to include them on the form.   
          These check-offs give the state a role in collecting money  
          for charity in addition to the role the tax system plays in  
          allowing deductions for charitable contributions.  The  
          Committee may wish to consider whether the state should use  
          the tax code to encourage contributions to certain  
          charitable organizations.  

          4.  Technical amendments  .  The author will take amendments  
          in committee to maintain administrative continuity over the  
          entire life of the check-off.  On page 1, line, the date  
          should be changed to 2014. 

                         Support and Opposition  (4/4/13)

           Support  :  California Association of Food Banks (Sponsor);  


          SB 116 -- 1/16/13 -- Page 7

          CalComUI; Western Center on Law & Poverty; San Diego Hunger  
          Coalition; Alameda County Community Food Bank; The Jacobs &  
          Cushman San Diego Food Bank; California Food Policy  
          Advocates; Public Counsel; Second Harvest Food Bank; Food  
          for People, Inc.; Hunger Advocacy Network; Jewish Family  
          Services of San Diego; Junior Leagues of California; Food  
          Bank of Yolo County; San Francisco and Marin Food Bank;  
          Feeding America San Diego; Los Angeles Regional Food Bank;  
          Orange County Food Bank.

           Opposition  :  None received.