BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 249
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          SB 249 (Leno)
          As Amended September 3, 2013
          Majority vote

           SENATE VOTE  :39-0  
           HEALTH              18-0        APPROPRIATIONS      17-0        
          |Ayes:|Pan, Logue, Ammiano,      |Ayes:|Gatto, Harkey, Bigelow,   |
          |     |Atkins, Bonilla, Bonta,   |     |Bocanegra, Bradford, Ian  |
          |     |Chesbro,                  |     |Calderon, Campos,         |
          |     |Roger Hernández,          |     |Donnelly, Eggman, Gomez,  |
          |     |Gonzalez, Maienschein,    |     |Hall, Holden, Linder,     |
          |     |Mansoor, Mitchell,        |     |Pan, Quirk, Wagner, Weber |
          |     |Nazarian, Nestande,       |     |                          |
          |     |V. Manuel Pérez, Wagner,  |     |                          |
          |     |Wieckowski, Wilk          |     |                          |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY  :  Authorizes the sharing of health records involving the  
          diagnosis, care, and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus  
          (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) related to a  
          beneficiary enrolled in federal Ryan White Act (RWA) funded  
          programs who may be eligible for health care under the federal  
          Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) between the  
          Department of Public Health (DPH) and qualified entities, as  
          specified.  Specifically,  this bill  :  

             1)   Authorizes DPH and qualified entities, as defined, to  
               share with each other health records involving the  
               diagnosis, care, and treatment of HIV or AIDS related to a  
               beneficiary enrolled in RWA funded programs who may be  
               eligible for services under the ACA.

             2)   Authorizes qualified entities who are covered entities  
               under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability  
               Act (HIPAA), as specified, to share records only for the  
               purpose of enrolling the beneficiary in Medi-Cal, the  
               Bridge Programs, Medicaid expansion programs, and any  
               insurance plan certified by the California Health Benefit  
               Exchange (Exchange), now called Covered California, or any  


                                                                  SB 249
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               other program under the ACA, as specified, and for the  
               purpose of continuing access to these programs and plans  
               without disruption.

             3)   Requires the information provided by DPH to be limited  
               only to the information necessary for the provisions in 1)  
               and 2) above, and excludes HIV or AIDS surveillance data.   
               Prohibits the further disclosure by any qualified entity,  
               except to any of the following, as necessary:

             a)   The person who is the subject of the record or to his or  
               her guardian or conservator;

             b)   The provider of health care for the person with HIV or  
               AIDS to whom the information pertains; or, 

             c)   The Office of AIDS (OA) within DPH.

             4)   Defines qualified entity to mean the following:

             a)   Department of Health Care Services (DHCS);

             b)   The Exchange;

             c)   Medi-Cal managed care plans;

             d)   Health plans participating in the Bridge Program;

             e)   Health plans offered through the Exchange; or,

             f)   County health departments delivering HIV or AIDS health  
               care services.


                                                                  SB 249
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             5)   Prohibits the disclosure, discovery, or compelling the  
               production of the shared information in any civil,  
               criminal, administrative, or other proceeding.

             6)   Provides that 1) through 5) above are to be implemented  
               only to the extent permitted pursuant to federal law and  
               all employees and contractors of a qualified entity who  
               have access to confidential HIV-related medical records  
               under this bill are subject to, and all information that is  
               shared is to be protected under HIPAA, the Confidentiality  
               of Medical Information Act, and the Insurance Information  
               and Privacy Protection Act. 

          7)Authorizes the local health officer and DPH to access reports  
            of HIV infection that are electronically submitted by  
            laboratories, as specified. 

          8)Extends privacy protections that currently apply to HIV blood  
            tests to all types of HIV tests.

          9)Makes other technical, clarifying, and conforming changes.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations  

          1)Potential costs in the low hundreds of thousands of dollars  
            (special fund/General Fund (GF)) to DPH to develop  
            administrative data sharing agreements and potentially modify  
            information technology systems pursuant to this bill.  DHCS,  
            Covered California, and county health departments also may  
            incur unknown but likely minor costs for this purpose.   

          2)This bill will facilitate data-sharing that may lead more  
            individuals to enroll in Medi-Cal and health care coverage  
            through Covered California, leaving fewer individuals in RWA  
            programs operated by DPH and local programs.  It is impossible  
            to attribute an exact fiscal effect to the bill specifically,  
            since individuals may transition to different coverage options  
            regardless of this bill.  However, to the extent the  
            information-sharing allowed by this bill results in more  
            individuals transitioning sooner than would otherwise be the  
            case, the following effects are expected:


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             a)   Potential increases in Medi-Cal costs related to  
               additional Medi-Cal enrollees (100% federal funds  
               initially, then ramping down to 90% federal/10% GF by  

             b)   Potential increases in Covered California costs related  
               to additional enrollees (federal/special funds).

             c)   Unknown potential savings to RWA programs operated by  
               DPH and local health care programs (federal and local  
               funds), assuming this bill helps more individuals gain  
               coverage for which they are eligible through Medi-Cal or  
               Covered California. 

           COMMENTS  :  According to the author, the prohibition on  
          disclosure of HIV information has become not only somewhat  
          redundant because of laws that protect the confidentiality of  
          all medical information but is also an impediment to individuals  
          enrolled in the federal RWA funded services.  As a result of  
          federal and state health care reform, those individuals must  
          transition to new health coverage systems.  Current restrictions  
          on the sharing of HIV information causes serious problems for  
          both patients trying to access health care and providers who are  
          trying to coordinate care.  At the same time, current HIV  
          confidentiality law is inadequate because it does not protect  
          the confidentiality of all types of HIV tests that are now  
          available.  To illustrate the need for this bill, the author and  
          the sponsors point out that in 2011, data sharing was essential  
          to a successful transition of AIDS Drug Assistance Program  
          (ADAP) clients to the Low Income Health Programs (LIHPs) and  
          trailer bill language was created to facilitate the sharing of  
          data between DPH/OA and LIHPs.  Prior to this trailer bill  
          language, DPH/OA was not able to share this data.  This bill  
          addresses these problems by allowing the sharing of information  
          in limited circumstances.

          In order to protect the privacy of individuals who are the  
          subject of HIV testing, current law prohibits the disclosure of  
          an HIV test to any third party in a manner that identifies or  
          provides identifying characteristics of the person to whom the  
          test results apply, unless pursuant to a written authorization.   
          The law prohibits the negligent, willful, or malicious  
          disclosure of such tests and prescribes penalties for such  


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          violations.  Current law authorizes the disclosure of HIV tests  
          without written authorization to the subject of the test or  
          his/her legal representative, as specified; the test subject's  
          provider of health care (including an agent or employee), or to  
          an emergency response employee, as specified.

          Public health records relating to HIV or AIDS which contain  
          personally identifying information that were developed or  
          acquired by a state or local health agency are confidential and  
          cannot be disclosed except for public health purposes or  
          pursuant to a written authorization by the person who is the  
          subject of the record.  However, personally identifying  
          information may be disclosed when the confidential information  
          is necessary to carry out the duties of the agency or researcher  
          in the investigation, control, or surveillance of the disease.  

          Additionally, for purposes of facilitating appropriate HIV/AIDS  
          medical care and treatment, the following disclosures are  

          1)State public health agency HIV surveillance staff, ADAP staff,  
            and care services staff may further disclose the information  
            to local public health agency staff, who may further disclose  
            the information to the HIV-positive person who is the subject  
            of the record, or the health care provider who provides his or  
            her HIV care; and,

          2)ADAP staff and DPH care services staff may disclose the  
            information directly to the HIV-positive person who is the  
            subject or the record of the health care provider who provides  
            his or her HIV care.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Rosielyn Pulmano / HEALTH / (916)  

                                                                FN: 0002169