BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 345
                                                                  Page 1

          SB 345 (Evans)
          As Amended September 3, 2013
          Majority vote 

           SENATE VOTE  :37-0  
           JUDICIARY           10-0        APPROPRIATIONS      16-1        
          |Ayes:|Wieckowski, Wagner,       |Ayes:|Gatto, Harkey, Bigelow,   |
          |     |Alejo, Chau, Dickinson,   |     |Bocanegra, Bradford, Ian  |
          |     |Garcia, Gorell,           |     |Calderon, Campos, Eggman, |
          |     |Maienschein, Muratsuchi,  |     |Gomez, Hall, Holden,      |
          |     |Stone                     |     |Linder, Pan, Quirk,       |
          |     |                          |     |Wagner, Weber             |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |     |                          |Nays:|Donnelly                  |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY :  Establishes attorney license fees.  Specifically,  this  
          bill  : 

          1)Authorizes the State Bar (Bar) to collect active membership  
            dues of up to $390 for the year 2014.

          2)Extends the opportunity for members of the Bar to voluntarily  
            contribute to the support of legal aid programs for the needy  
            at a suggested rate of $30 if they choose to do so.

          3)Allows the Bar's $2 million financial support of legal aid  
            programs to sunset.

          4)Authorizes and directs the Bar to participate in the Franchise  
            Tax Board's (FTB) interagency intercept collections program  
            for unpaid fines and penalties, with any potential receipts to  
            be for the support of legal aid programs.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations  
          Committee, no net state costs.  All administrative costs to the  
          FTB and the State Controller for the interagency intercept  
          collections are paid from a small portion of funds recovered for  
          the agencies.


                                                                  SB 345
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          COMMENTS  :  According to the author, this bill would continue the  
          Bar's authority to assess and collect dues from licensed  
          attorneys in California in order to support the Bar's  
          operations, including discipline.
          Attorneys who wish to practice law in California generally must  
          be admitted and licensed in this state and must be a member of  
          the Bar.  (California Constitution, Article VI, Section 9.)  The  
          State Bar of California is the largest state bar in the country.  
           As of May 2013, the Bar had 178,050 active members and 51,985  
          inactive members, which represents a slight annual increase in  
          both active members and inactive members.  Total Bar membership  
          is listed at 242,738, which includes 2,122 judge members and  
          10,580 members who are "Not Eligible to Practice Law."  The  
          Bar's programs are financed almost exclusively by annual  
          membership dues paid by attorneys as well as other fees paid by  
          applicants seeking to practice law.  

          This bill would authorize the Bar to collect active membership  
          dues of up to $390 for the year 2014, in addition to a $30  
          optional fee for members who voluntarily choose to contribute to  
          the support of nonprofit legal aid organizations that make free  
          legal services available to poor Californians.  The mandatory  
          fee of $390 reflects a $20 reduction from last year due to the  
          sunset of both a $10 assessment to fund information technology  
          upgrades and a $10 assessment for the Los Angeles Building Fund.  
           The optional legal aid fee continues the existing mechanism by  
          which members who choose to do so can help defray the cost of  
          ensuring that legal services are available without regard to  
          ability to pay market rates for, consistently with each lawyer's  
          professional responsibility.  The amount would increase from $20  
          to $30 which would continue to be allocated to qualified legal  
          services projects and support centers.

          Under this bill, funding for legal aid is expected to diminish  
          next year, despite significantly greater needs for legal  
          services and dramatically lower funding from other sources.   
          While the continuation of the voluntary contribution option,  
          increased by $10, is expected to help prevent further  
          deterioration of funding, it is not expected to compensate for  
          the loss of the $2 million the Legislature has required the Bar  
          to contribute toward the support of legal aid over the past two  
          years.  Although the Bar's annual contribution of $2 million  


                                                                  SB 345
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          would be allowed to sunset, despite the continuing crisis in  
          legal aid funding, it is hoped that individual members will  
          voluntarily increase their participation to a level that will be  
          sufficient to address the shortfall before considering whether  
          other measures are needed.

          The Bar has imposed substantial fines and penalties against  
          members that it has not collected for many years.  This bill  
          would direct the Bar to participate in the FTB's Interagency  
          Intercept Collections (IIC) program in an effort to see if any  
          of these outstanding assessments can be collected, with any  
          potential proceeds going to the qualified legal aid providers  
          affected by the reduction in the interest on lawyer trust  
          accounts (IOLTA) program (after paying off higher priority  
          creditors such as tax and child support obligations).  Because  
          many of these outstanding assessments are quite old, the  
          potential for collection is speculative.  Nevertheless, it would  
          appear to be a worthy effort.  If any monies can be collected,  
          however, the earliest recovery would apparently occur in 2015.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Kevin G. Baker / JUD. / (916) 319-2334 

                                                                FN: 0002288