BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 360
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          SB 360 (Padilla)
          As Amended August 6, 2013
          Majority vote 

           SENATE VOTE  :27-9  
           ELECTIONS           5-1         APPROPRIATIONS      12-0        
          |Ayes:|Fong, Bocanegra, Bonta,   |Ayes:|Gatto, Bocanegra,         |
          |     |Hall, Perea               |     |Bradford,                 |
          |     |                          |     |Ian Calderon, Campos,     |
          |     |                          |     |Eggman, Gomez, Hall,      |
          |     |                          |     |Holden, Pan, Quirk, Weber |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |Nays:|Donnelly                  |Nays:|Harkey, Bigelow,          |
          |     |                          |     |Donnelly, Linder, Wagner  |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY :  Makes significant changes to procedures and criteria  
          for the certification and approval of a voting system.  Expands  
          the use of Voting Modernization Fund monies and authorizes a  
          county to use those monies to purchase a conditionally approved  
          voting system, as specified, for research and development of a  
          nonproprietary voting system that uses disclosed source code, as  
          specified, or to manufacture a limited number of voting system  
          units for use in a pilot program, as specified, or for  
          submission to the Secretary of State (SOS) for certification, as  
          specified.  Requires the SOS to adopt and publish regulations,  
          as specified, governing the experimental use of a voting system  
          in a pilot programs.  Specifically,  this bill  :   

          1)Recasts and revises various procedures and criteria for the  
            SOS's approval of voting systems by changing the term  
            "approval" to the term "certification" and authorizes the SOS  
            to certify, conditionally approve, or withhold approval of a  
            voting system, as specified.

          2)Deletes provisions of law that prohibit a jurisdiction from  
            purchasing or contracting for an electronic voting system  
            unless it has received federal qualification, and instead  
            prohibits a jurisdiction from purchasing or contracting for a  


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            voting system unless it has been certified or conditionally  
            approved by the SOS, except as specified.  

          3)Authorizes Voting Modernization Fund monies to be used to  
            purchase systems certified or conditionally approved by the  
            SOS, instead of only systems certified by the SOS.  Permits a  
            county to use fund moneys to contract and pay for the  

             a)   Research and development of a new voting system that has  
               not been certified or conditionally approved by the SOS and  
               uses only nonproprietary software and firmware with  
               disclosed source code, except for unmodified commercial  
               off-the-shelf software and firmware, as defined; or,

             b)   Manufacture of the minimum number of voting system units  
               reasonably necessary for either of the following purposes:

               i)     To test and seek certification or conditional  
                 approval of the voting system pursuant to the provisions  
                 of this bill; or,

               ii)    To test and demonstrate the capabilities of the  
                 voting system in a pilot program, as specified.  

          4)Requires the SOS to adopt and publish voting system standards  
            and regulations governing the use of voting systems, as  
            specified.  Requires the standards to meet or exceed federal  
            voluntary voting system guidelines set forth by the United  
            States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) or its successor  
            agency, as specified.

          5)Authorizes a governing board, without formally adopting a  
            voting system, to provide for the experimental use of a voting  
            system in a pilot program, as specified, if the voting system  
            complies with either of the following:

             a)   The voting system is certified or conditionally approved  
               prior to its experimental use; or,

             b)   The voting system meets all of the following  

               i)     Uses only software and firmware with disclosed  


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                 source code, except for unmodified commercial  
                 off-the-shelf software and firmware;

               ii)    Meets the requirements set forth in the SOS's voting  
                 system standards and regulations governing the use of a  
                 voting system, as specified; 

               iii)   Meets the requirements set forth in pilot program  
                 regulations adopted by the SOS pursuant to this bill;  

               iv)    Implements risk-limiting audits, as specified.

          6)Provides that a voting system that meets all of the  
            requirements above does not need to be certified or  
            conditionally approved prior to its experimental use in a  
            pilot program, if certain conditions are met.  

          7)Requires a governing board to submit a plan for the pilot  
            program to the SOS for approval, as specified.  Requires the  
            SOS to adopt and publish regulations governing voting system  
            pilot programs.  Prohibits a voting system pilot program from  
            being conducted in a legally binding election without prior  
            the approval of the SOS.

          8)Repeals provisions of law that permit the SOS to employ three  
            expert technicians to examine a voting system, and instead  
            requires the SOS to use a state-approved testing agency, as  
            defined, or expert technicians, to examine and test voting  
            systems or parts of voting systems proposed for use or sale in  
            the state.  

          9)Requires the SOS to publish requirements for the approval of  
            state-approved testing agencies, as specified, and to publish  
            a list of authorized state-approved testing agencies.

          10)Requires the SOS to publish and make publicly available on  
            his or her Internet Web site a quarterly report of regulatory  
            activities related to voting systems.

          11)Makes other technical and conforming changes.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations  
          Committee, minor ongoing General Fund costs, in the range of  


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          $50,000, to the SOS associated with additional voting system  
          evaluation responsibilities formerly conducted by the EAC and  
          for evaluation of any voting system pilot programs. The SOS  
          indicates that voting systems standards and regulations  
          consistent with this bill's requirements are already planned or  
          under development.

           COMMENTS  :  According to the author, "In California, voting  
          systems are a patchwork of different technologies that are  
          developed, leased and sold to 58 counties by half a dozen  
          different vendors. Counties only partially own their systems  
          which limits access and transparency of the hardware and  
          software.  Election equipment is subject to licensing  
          agreements, which means counties must hire the vendor for  
          repairs and maintenance.

          "I have introduced SB 360 to ensure the public can own their  
          vote and have full access to every part of their voting system.   
          We trust election officials to conduct our elections, we should  
          trust them to create and maintain our voting systems.

          "One of the driving forces behind the public ownership of voting  
          systems is the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County  
          Clerk. L.A. County is the most populated and geographically  
          expansive county in the U.S. and the most complex election  
          jurisdiction in the nation? The County is in the process of  
          developing a voting system that meets their unique needs. The  
          development of the system has been open, transparent, and  
          included many political stakeholders, including political  
          parties and election protection advocates."

          Please see the policy committee analysis for a full discussion  
          on this bill.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Nichole Becker / E. & R. / (916)  



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