BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 504
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          Date of Hearing:   July 3, 2013

                           Susan Talamantes Eggman, Chair
                   SB 504 (Berryhill) - As Amended:  April 1, 2013

           SENATE VOTE  :  38-0
          SUBJECT  :  Fruit, nut, and vegetable standards: civil penalties.

           SUMMARY  :  Authorizes a county agricultural commissioner (CAC),  
          after exhaustion of the appeal and review process, to obtain  
          judgments from a superior court to expedite recovery of civil  
          penalties levied on violators of the Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable  
          Standards Law.

           EXISTING LAW  establishes minimum standards for fruits, nuts, and  
          vegetables to ensure that these products are of consistent and  
          acceptable quality in the marketplace by regulating quality,  
          maturity, grade, size, container and pack requirement, as well  
          as, packing signs and labels;  provides enforcement provisions,  
          an appeal process, and civil penalties; and, is funded by  
          industry container mill assessment fees.

          Provides for civil penalty provisions relating to violations of  
          the Organic Products Act, pesticide use, certified farmers  
          markets, and quarantine regulations and inspection stations  
          laws, with provisions enabling CAC to enforce a decision under  
          these sections by entering the judgment in superior court should  
          the respondent fail to pay the penalty, as ordered.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Committee on  
          Appropriations, pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8, state cost would  
          be negligible.

           COMMENTS  :  According to the author, CACs have few avenues to  
          take to enforce judgments and recovery penalties and fines  
          issued for violations if a violator fails to pay a civil  
          penalty. CACs have the choice of going to the District Attorney  
          for criminal prosecution or have County Counsel file for an  
          injunction; both being time consuming and potentially costly  

          The sponsor states that "SB 504 will provide consistency in the  
          statutory language and practice governing the infrequent  


                                                                  SB 504
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          instances where a violator refuses to pay a fine.  It is both  
          fair and fiscally responsible for County Agricultural  
          Commissioners to be able to obtain judgments against those  
          businesses without having to go through another elaborate  
          procedure in court.  In addition, conforming all corresponding  
          code sections to contain virtually the same language makes it  
          easier for both county counsel and judges to understand that the  
          authority conferred is the same in each case."

           Previous Legislation  :  AB 2686 (T. Berryhill) Chapter 395,  
          Statutes of 2010, authorized a county agricultural commissioner  
          to obtain judgments from a superior court to expedite recovery  
          of civil penalties levied on violators of the California Organic  
          Products Act.

          AB 1598 (Committee on Agriculture, Chapter 499, Statutes of  
          2006, made various changes, including permitting a CAC to obtain  
          judgments from a superior court to expedite recovery of civil  
          penalties levied on violators of provisions relating to plant  
          quarantine and pest control.

          AB 1598 (Committee on Agriculture), Chapter 499, Statutes of  
          2006, made various changes, including permitting CACs to file an  
          administrative writ of mandamus with a court, in order to  
          expedite the payment of civil penalties for plant and pest  
          control quarantine violations.

          AB 520 (Parra) Chapter 220, Statutes of 2005, authorized the  
          secretary or county agricultural commissioners to levy a civil  
          penalty, in lieu of prosecution, against violators of the Fruit,  
          Nut, and Vegetable Standards Law.  


          Conference of California Bar Associations (Sponsor)
          California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
          Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC)
          None on file.


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           Analysis Prepared by  :    Jim Collin / AGRI. / (916) 319-2084