BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 636
                                                                  Page A
          Date of Hearing:   June 9, 2014

                               Steven Bradford, Chair
                    SB 636 (Hill) - As Amended:  January 15, 2014

           SENATE VOTE  :   33-0
          SUBJECT  :   Public Utilities Commission: proceedings. 

           SUMMARY  :   Establishes certain procedures that apply to  
          adjudication, rulemaking, and 
          ratesetting cases of the California Public Utilities Commission  
          (PUC).   Specifically,  this bill  :   

          1)Prohibits an employee, officer, or agent of the PUC that is  
            personally involved in the 
            prosecution or in the supervision of the prosecution of an  
            adjudication case from 
            participating in the decision of the case or in the decision  
            of any factually related proceeding. 

          2)Permits an employee, officer, or agent of the PUC that is  
            personally involved in the 
            prosecution or in the supervision of the prosecution of an  
            adjudication case to participate in 
            reaching a settlement of the case, but would prohibit the  
            officer, employee, or agent from 
            participating in the decision of the PUC to accept or reject  
            the settlement, except as a witness 
            or counsel in an open hearing or a specified closed hearing. 

           EXISTING LAW  

           1) Establishes the PUC with five members appointed by the  
             Governor and approved by the 
             Senate for staggered six-year terms and grants the PUC  
             authority to regulate public utilities 
             subject to control by the Legislature. (California  
             Constitution Article XII, Sections I and III) 

           2) Requires the Governor to designate one of the commissioners  
             as president to preside at PUC 
             meetings and authorized to direct and prescribe duties of an  
             attorney (general counsel), 
             executive director, and other staff. (Public Utilities Code  


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           3) Authorizes the PUC to appoint a general counsel to represent  
             the PUC in all actions, to 
             commence, prosecute or intervene in proceedings as directed  
             by the president, to advise the 
             commission and each commissioner on all matters, and to  
             perform all duties that the 
             president or a vote of the commission may require. (Public  
             Utilities Code 307) 

           4) Requires that, in those agencies subject to the California  
             Administrative Procedures Act 
             (APA), the adjudicative function shall be separated from the  
             investigative, prosecutorial, and advocacy functions within  
             the agency. (Government Code 11425.10)

           5) Exempts the PUC from the Administrative Procedures Act.  
             (Public Utilities Code 1701) 

           FISCAL EFFECT  :   Unknown

           COMMENTS  :   According to the author, "this bill is necessary to  
          codify the requirement to 
          separate advocacy and advisory functions at the CPUC because the  
          CPUC's current policy 
          requiring separation is not binding and can be waived at the  
          discretion of the general counsel and 


                                                                  SB 636
                                                                  Page C
          executive director." The author explains two incidents which  
          occurred at the PUC involving the 
          general counsel serving both as advisor to the commissioners and  
          directing the prosecuting 
          attorneys to take specified actions in the PUC's penalty  
          proceeding against Pacific Gas & 
          Electric Company for the San Bruno gas pipeline explosion. 

          1)  Background  : The principle of separation of functions is  
          applied to administrative agencies 
            that engage in quasi-judicial or adjudicative actions, and the  
            application is necessary to 
            preserve the due process rights of parties, just as in a court  
            of law. In administrative 
            adjudication, if the judge and the prosecutor are housed in  
            the same agency and under the 
            director of the same administrators, certain procedures must  
            be in place. 

            Due process is the principle articulated in the Fifth  
            Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as 
            the requirement that no person "be deprived of life, liberty,  
            or property, without due process 
            of law." The Fourteenth Amendment extends this principle to  
            state government. Article XII 
            of the California Constitution gives the PUC broad authority  
            to establish its own procedures 
            subject to statute and due process.<1> 

            The Federal Administrative Procedures Act (APA) defines two  
            procedural models: 
            rulemaking and adjudication. In rulemaking, the rights of an  
            individual are not the subject of 
            inquiry, and due process considerations do not apply. The  
            Federal APA addresses separation 
            of adjudicatory and prosecutorial functions in §554 (d): 

               An employee or agent engaged in the performance of  
               investigative or prosecuting 
               functions for an agency in a case may not, in that or a  
               factually related case, 
               participate or advise in the decision, recommended  
               decision, or agency review 
               pursuant to section 557 of this title, except as witness or  
               counsel in public 

          <1> California Constitution, Article XII, Section 2


                                                                  SB 636
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            The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - the PUC's  
            federal counterpart - has 
            adopted regulations on separation of functions: 

               In any proceeding in which Commission adjudication is made  
               after hearing, or in any 
               proceeding arising from an investigation under part 1b of  
               this chapter, [rules relating 
               to FERC investigations] beginning from the time the  
               Commission initiates a 
               proceeding governed by part 385 of this chapter, [FERC  
               rules of practice and 
               procedure]no officer, employee, or agent assigned to work  
               upon the proceeding or to 
               assist in the trial thereof, in that or any factually  
               related proceeding, shall participate 
               or advise as to the findings, conclusion or decision,  
               except as a witness or counsel in 
               public proceedings.<2> 

            The provisions call for an "ethical wall" between staff that  
            advise decision makers and staff 
            that prosecute. 

            The California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) ensures that  
            agency regulations are 
            clear, necessary, legally valid, and available to the public.  
            OAL is responsible for reviewing 
            administrative regulations proposed by over 200 state agencies  
            for compliance with the 
            standards set forth in California's Administrative Procedure  
            Act (APA), for transmitting these 
            regulations to the Secretary of State and for publishing  
            regulations in the California Code of 
            Regulations. The PUC, however, is not subject to the  
            California APA. 

          2)  Drawing a bright line between functions  : This bill harmonizes  
          PUC practice with established 
            practice at state agencies subject to the California APA by  
          <2> Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 385, Section  
          2202 (18 CFR 385.2202)


                                                                  SB 636
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            making separation of PUC 
            advocacy and advisory functions mandatory. Current law  
            requires the Office of Ratepayer 
            Advocates to adhere to separations of functions but not to PUC  
            attorneys or the general 

            The bill prohibits an advisory role for any PUC "officer,  
            employee, or agent of the PUC that 
            is assigned to assist in the prosecution of, to testify in, or  
            to supervise the prosecution of an 
            adjudication case." 

            Finally, the bill prohibits any employee who prosecutes a  
            case, or "supervises" the 
            prosecution of a case from advising the PUC on that case or  
            factually related proceeding. 

          3)  Technical amendment  : The phrase "any factually related  
          proceeding" refers solely to an 
            adjudicatory proceeding, therefore the author and this  
            committee may wish to make a 
            clarifying amendment by changing it to "any factually related  
            adjudicatory proceeding." 

            1701.2 (b) Notwithstanding Section 307, an officer, employee,  
            or agent of the commission 
            that is personally involved in the prosecution or in the  
            supervision of the prosecution of an 
            adjudication case before the commission shall not participate  
            in the decision of the case, or 
            in the decision of any factually related  adjudicatory   
            proceeding, including participation in or 
            advising the commission as to findings of fact, conclusions of  
            law, or orders. An officer, 
            employee, or agent of the commission that is personally  
            involved in the prosecution or in the 
            supervision of the prosecution of an adjudication case may  
            participate in reaching a 
            settlement of the case, but shall not participate in the  
            decision of the commission to accept or 
            reject the settlement, except as a witness or counsel in an  
            open hearing or a hearing closed 
            pursuant to subdivision (d). The Legislature finds that the  
            commission performs both 
            prosecutorial and adjudicatory functions in an adjudication  


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                                                                  Page F
            case and declares its intent that 
            an officer, employee, or agent of the commission, including  
            its attorneys, may perform only 
            one of those functions in any adjudication case or factually  
            related  adjudicatory  proceeding. 

          4)  Related legislation  : SB 611 (Hill, 2013), required PUC  
          separation of advocacy and advisory 
            functions, modified power of PUC president, gave ORA  
            independent structure and budget 
            process, and made other changes to PUC authority. The bill was  
            amended in the Assembly 
            with unrelated provisions. 


          None on file.
          None on file.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    DaVina Flemings / U. & C. / (916)  