BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 1240
                                                                  Page  1

          Date of Hearing:   June 25, 2014

                                  Rob Bonta, Chair
                SB 1240 (Anderson) - As Introduced:  February 20, 2014

           SENATE VOTE  :   35-0
          SUBJECT  :   State civil service: employment procedures.

           SUMMARY  :   Requires state employment application forms to  
          require an applicant to disclose whether the applicant has ever  
          entered into an agreement with a state department prohibiting  
          the applicant from seeking or accepting subsequent employment  
          with the state.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Provides, pursuant to Section 1 of Article VII of the  
            Constitution of California that the civil service includes  
            every officer and employee of the state except as otherwise  
            provided, and that in the civil service, permanent appointment  
            and promotion be made under a general system based on merit  
            ascertained by competitive examination.

          2)Requires, pursuant to the Civil Service Act, state employment  
            to be based on the merit principle; that appointments are  
            based upon merit and fitness ascertained through practical and  
            competitive examination; and that tenure of civil service  
            employment is subject to good behavior.

          3)Requires the California Department of Human Resources and the  
            Department of Fair Employment and Housing to work  
            cooperatively to develop uniform employment forms where  
            possible pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Service Act  
            and coordinate their enforcement of the Civil Service Act.

          4)Requires that each state agency to use the standard employment  

           FISCAL EFFECT  :   According to the Senate Appropriations  
          Committee, pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8, negligible state costs.

           COMMENTS  :   According to the author, the California State  


                                                                  SB 1240
                                                                  Page  2

          Auditor issued a March 2013 report on the construction of the  
          new Bay Bridge, including disciplinary actions against the  
          California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) employees for  
          improprieties on the bridge project identified in the report.   
          The report noted that a certain Caltrans employee with a history  
          of disciplinary issues had appealed his dismissal relating to  
          the bridge project improprieties.  Subsequently, the employee  
          entered into a settlement agreement with Caltrans to leave state  
          service and not seek or accept another position with the state.   
          Because there is no mechanism to track such negotiated  
          separation agreements, the Auditor identified a significant risk  
          that the employee could be hired by another state agency despite  
          his past dishonesty and neglect of duty.

          According to the author's office, "Under current practices,  
          there is no efficient way of identifying individuals applying  
          for employment in a state agency as someone who was previously  
          employed by another state agency and has entered an agreement  
          that prohibits them from seeking or accepting further employment  
          with the state."


          None on file
          None on file

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Karon Green / P.E., R. & S.S. / (916)  