BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 1272
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          Date of Hearing:   June 10, 2014

                                  Paul Fong, Chair
                      SB 1272 (Lieu) - As Amended:  May 27, 2014

           SENATE VOTE  :   23-12
          SUBJECT  :   Campaign finance: advisory election.

           SUMMARY  :   Places an advisory question on the November 4, 2014  
          statewide general election ballot on amending the United States  
          Constitution to address campaign finance issues.  Specifically,  
           this bill  :   

          1)Requires the following advisory question to be placed on the  
            ballot at the November 4, 2014 statewide general election:

          Shall the Congress of the United States propose, and the  
            California Legislature ratify, an amendment or amendments to  
            the United States Constitution to overturn  Citizens United v.  
            Federal Elections Commission  (2010) 558 U.S. 310, and other  
            applicable judicial precedents, to allow the full regulation  
            or limitation of campaign contributions and spending, to  
            ensure that all citizens, regardless of wealth, may express  
            their views to one another, and to make clear that the rights  
            protected by the United States Constitution are the rights of  
            natural persons only? 

          2)Contains the following Legislative findings and declarations:

             a)   The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights  
               are intended to protect the rights of individual human  

             b)   Corporations are not mentioned in the United States  
               Constitution and the people have never granted  
               constitutional rights to corporations, nor have we decreed  
               that corporations have authority that exceeds the authority  
               of "We the People."

             c)   In  Connecticut General Life Insurance Company v. Johnson   
               (1938) 303 U.S. 77, United States Supreme Court Justice  
               Hugo Black stated in his dissent, "I do not believe the  
               word 'person' in the Fourteenth Amendment includes  


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             d)   In  Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce  (1990) 494  
               U.S. 652, the United States Supreme Court recognized the  
               threat to a republican form of government posed by "the  
               corrosive and distorting effects of immense aggregations of  
               wealth that are accumulated with the help of the corporate  
               form and that have little or no correlation to the public's  
               support for the corporation's political ideas."

             e)   In  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission  (2010)  
               558 U.S. 310, the United States Supreme Court struck down  
               limits on electioneering communications that were upheld in  
                McConnell v. Federal Election Commission  (2003) 540 U.S. 93  
               and  Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce  . This decision  
               presents a serious threat to self-government by rolling  
               back previous bans on corporate spending in the electoral  
               process and allows unlimited corporate spending to  
               influence elections, candidate selection, policy decisions,  
               and public debate.

             f)   In  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission  ,  
               Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen  
               Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor noted in their dissent that  
               corporations have special advantages not enjoyed by natural  
               persons, such as limited liability, perpetual life, and  
               favorable treatment of the accumulation and distribution of  
               assets, that allow them to spend huge sums on campaign  
               messages that have little or no correlation with the  
               beliefs held by natural persons.

             g)   Corporations have used the artificial rights bestowed on  
               them by the courts to overturn democratically enacted laws  
               that municipal, state, and federal governments passed to  
               curb corporate abuses, thereby impairing local governments'  
               ability to protect their citizens against corporate harms  
               to the environment, consumers, workers, independent  
               businesses, and local and regional economies.

             h)   In  Buckley v. Valeo  (1976) 424 U.S. 1, the United States  
               Supreme Court held that the appearance of corruption  
               justified some contribution limitations, but it wrongly  
               rejected other fundamental interests that the citizens of  
               California find compelling, such as creating a level  
               playing field and ensuring that all citizens, regardless of  


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               wealth, have an opportunity to have their political views  

             i)   In  First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti  (1978) 435  
               U.S. 765 and  Citizens Against Rent Control/Coalition for  
               Fair Housing v. Berkeley  (1981) 454 U.S. 290, the United  
               States Supreme Court rejected limits on contributions to  
               ballot measure campaigns because it concluded that these  
               contributions posed no threat of candidate corruption.

             j)   In  Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC  (2000) 528  
               U.S. 377, United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul  
               Stevens observed in his concurrence that "money is  
               property; it is not speech."

             aa)  A February 2010 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that  
               80 percent of Americans oppose the ruling in  Citizens  
               United  .

             bb)  Article V of the United States Constitution empowers and  
               obligates the people of the United States of America to use  
               the constitutional amendment process to correct those  
               egregiously wrong decisions of the United States Supreme  
               Court that go to the heart of our democracy and the  
               republican form of self-government.

             cc)  The people of California and of the United States have  
               previously used ballot measures as a way of instructing  
               their elected representatives about the express actions  
               they want to see them take on their behalf, including  
               provisions to amend the United States Constitution.

          3)Requires the Secretary of State to communicate the results of  
            the vote on the advisory question to Congress.

           EXISTING LAW  authorizes each city, county, school district,  
          community college district, county board of education, or  
          special district to hold an advisory election on any date on  
          which that jurisdiction is permitted to hold a regular or  
          special election for the purpose of allowing voters within the  
          jurisdiction, or a portion thereof, to voice their opinions on  
          substantive issues, or to indicate to the local legislative body  
          approval or disapproval of the ballot proposal.


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           FISCAL EFFECT  :   According to the Senate Appropriations  
          Committee, one time ballot printing/mailing costs of  
          approximately $275,000 - $550,000 depending on the number of  
          pages and based on an estimated cost per page of $55,000.  
          (General Fund)

          The actual costs could be higher or lower depending on the  
          length of the title, summary, text, Legislative Analyst's  
          Office's analysis, proponents' and opponents' arguments, as well  
          as the overall size of the ballot pamphlet.  Larger ballots  
          generally result in less printing and mailing costs per page.   
          The average number of pages per measure since 2008 is ten and  
          the minimum per measure has been five pages.

           COMMENTS  :   

           1)Purpose of the Bill  :  According to the author:

               The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights  
               explicitly intend to protect the rights of individual  
               human beings as indicated by the phrase "We the  
               people" in the preamble to the Constitution. But in  
               the case of Citizens United v. FEC (2010),  
               corporations have been granted the same rights as  
               people and free speech is now being equated with  
               money, especially as it pertains to political and  
               campaign donations. And in February 2010 Washington  
               Post-ABC News poll found that 80 percent of Americans  
               oppose the U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United ruling.  
               The most recent Supreme Court ruling is McCutcheon v.  
               FEC which was handed down April 2, 2014 and decided  
               that it is permissible for individuals to make  
               limitless contributions to federal campaign and  
               federal candidate committees.

               However, it is important to note that Corporations are  
               not mentioned in the Constitution, nor have The People  
               ever granted Constitutional rights to corporations and  
               money does not equal speech as stated by United States  
               Supreme Court Justice Stevens in the case Nixon v.  
               Shrink Missouri Government PAC (2000) that "money is  
               property, it is not speech."  

               Given that 80 percent of Americans oppose the Citizens  


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               United ruling and are likely to be equally opposed to  
               the McCutcheon ruling, SB 1272 would advance the  
               efforts to reverse the Supreme Court's ruling in the  
               Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and  
               other applicable judicial precedents, including  
               McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. 

               SB 1272 would add an advisory question to California's  
               November 4, 2014 [ballot] asking the people: "Shall  
               the Congress of the United States propose, and the  
               California legislature ratify, an amendment or  
               amendments to the United States Constitution to  
               overturn Citizens United v. Federal Election  
               Commission (2010) 558 U.S. 310, and other applicable  
               judicial precedents, to allow the full regulation or  
               limitation of campaign contributions and spending, to  
               ensure that all citizens, regardless of wealth, may  
               express their views to one another, and to make clear  
               that the rights protected by the United States  
               Constitution are the rights of natural persons only?"

           2)Past Advisory Elections  :  While existing state law explicitly  
            authorizes cities, counties, school districts, community  
            college districts, county boards of education, and special  
            districts to hold advisory elections, there is no explicit  
            authorization, nor is there a statutory prohibition, for a  
            statewide advisory election.  While statewide advisory  
            elections are uncommon, in at least three other instances in  
            California's history, one or more statewide advisory measures  
            have appeared on the ballot.  In November 1892, voters  
            approved an advisory measure that was placed on the ballot by  
            the Legislature asking whether United States Senators should  
            be directly elected by a vote of the people.  At a statewide  
            special election in June 1933, voters rejected Propositions 9  
            and 10, which asked the voters whether the Legislature should  
            divert gasoline tax revenues to the general fund to pay off  
            highway bonds.  These two measures were put on the ballot by  
            the Legislature.  Finally, at the November 1982 statewide  
            general election, voters approved Proposition 12, a measure  
            that urged the United States government to propose to the  
            Soviet Union that both countries agree to immediately halt the  
            testing, production and further deployment of all nuclear  
            weapons, missiles and delivery systems in a way that could be  
            checked and verified by both sides.  Unlike this bill,  
            however, the advisory question decided by the voters in 1982  


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            was placed on the ballot by initiative.

          Subsequent to the voters' approval of Proposition 12 in 1982,  
            the California State Supreme Court ruled in  American  
            Federation of Labor v. Eu  (1984) 36 Cal.3d 687, that placing  
            advisory questions before the voters was not a proper use of  
            the initiative power, because "an initiative which seeks to do  
            something other than enact a statute-which seeks to render an  
            administrative decision, adjudicate a dispute, or declare by  
            resolution the views of the resolving body-is not within the  
            initiative power reserved by the people."  In that case, the  
            Court ordered an initiative measure which sought to compel the  
            Legislature to apply to Congress to hold a constitutional  
            convention to adopt a federal balanced budget amendment to be  
            removed from the ballot.  The Court's decision in  American  
            Federation of Labor  did not, however, rule on whether it was  
            permissible for the Legislature to place an advisory question  
            before the voters.

           3)Citizens United v. FEC  :  In January 2010, the United States  
            Supreme Court issued its ruling in  Citizens United v. Federal  
            Election Commission  (2010) 558 U.S. 310, a case involving a  
            nonprofit corporation (Citizens United) that sought to run  
            television commercials promoting a film it produced that was  
            critical of then-Senator and presidential candidate Hillary  
            Clinton.  Because federal law prohibited corporations and  
            unions from using their general treasury funds to make  
            expenditures for "electioneering communications" or for  
            communications that expressly advocated the election or defeat  
            of a candidate, Citizens United was concerned that the  
            television commercials promoting its film could subject the  
            corporation to criminal and civil penalties.  In its decision,  
            the Supreme Court struck down the 63-year old law that  
            prohibited corporations and unions from using their general  
            treasury funds to make independent expenditures in federal  
            elections, finding that the law unconstitutionally abridged  
            the freedom of speech.

           4)California Has Called upon Congress to Propose an Amendment to  
            Overturn Citizens United  :  Last session, the Legislature  
            approved AJR 22 (Wieckowski & Allen), Resolution Chapter 69,  
            Statutes of 2012, which called upon the United States Congress  
            to propose and send to the states for ratification a  
            constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United  .   
            In light of this fact, the State of California is already on  


                                                                  SB 1272
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            record in support of an amendment to the United States  
            Constitution to overturn  Citizens United  .

           5)Arguments in Support  :  In support of this bill, the California  
            School Employees Association, AFL-CIO, writes:

               Recent Supreme Court decisions like that of Citizens  
               United v. Federal Election Commission and McCutcheon  
               v. Federal Election Commission have highlighted the  
               dangers and inequities of identifying money as  
               political speech.  While the Court ruled that money  
               takes the place of political speech for donors decades  
               ago, the original intent came with limits on  
               contribution amounts and rigorous reporting  
               obligations.  The notion of money being speech has  
               been perverted into allowing those with more money to  
               speak louder than those without the expendable income.  
                These rules would be the same as suspending Roberts  
               Rules of Order and allowing the person who can yell  
               the loudest to control the meeting.

               Asking the California electorate of their opinion on  
               whether or not an amendment to the United States  
               Constitution is required to reverse the Supreme Court  
               decisions that equate money with free speech and grant  
               constitutional rights and protections to incorporated  
               entities, allows for the dialogue for progress to  
               occur.  Amending the United States Constitution is a  
               long and arduous task.  Taking this initial step will  
               signal to the rest of the country that the debate is  
               ready for legislative halls and not just cable news  
               talk shows.

           6)Related Legislation  :  AJR 1 (Gatto), which is pending in the  
            Senate Judiciary Committee, applies to the United States  
            Congress to call a constitutional convention for the sole  
            purpose of proposing an amendment to the United States  
            Constitution that would limit corporate personhood for  
            purposes of campaign finance and political speech and further  
            declares that money does not constitute speech and may be  
            legislatively limited.

          SB 1402 (De León), which is pending in the Assembly Rules  
            Committee, places an advisory question on the November 4, 2014  
            statewide general election ballot asking voters whether  


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            Congress should reform the nation's immigration laws.

          HR 37 (Wieckowski), which is also being heard in this committee  
            today, states the Assembly's disagreement with the United  
            States Supreme Court's decision in  McCutcheon v. Federal  
            Election Commission  (2014) No. 12-536, in which the Supreme  
            Court struck down a federal law restricting the aggregate  
            amount that a donor may contribute in total to all federal  
            candidates and committees in an election cycle.  
           7)Previous Legislation  :  AB 644 (Wieckowski) of 2013, would have  
            required a statewide advisory vote on the November 4, 2014  
            general election ballot on amending the United States  
            Constitution to address campaign financing issues.  AB 644 was  
            set for hearing twice in this committee, but was pulled from  
            the agenda both times at the request of the author.  

            AB 78 (Mendoza) of 2011, would have placed a question before  
            voters at the June 5, 2012, statewide primary election asking  
            whether the President and the Congress should create a pathway  
            to citizenship for certain undocumented immigrants.  AB 78 was  
            gutted-and-amended and used for another purpose, and was never  
            heard in committee.

            AB 2826 (Mendoza) of 2008, was similar to AB 78 of 2011,  
            except that the advisory question would have been considered  
            by voters at the November 4, 2008, statewide general election.  
             AB 2826 was never heard in committee. 

            SB 924 (Perata) of 2007, would have placed a question before  
            the voters at the February 5, 2008, statewide presidential  
            primary election asking whether the President should end the  
            United States occupation of Iraq.  SB 924 was vetoed by  
            Governor Schwarzenegger, who argued that "[p]lacing a  
            non-binding resolution on Iraq on the?ballot, when it carries  
            no weight or authority, would only?divide voters and shift  
            attention from other critical issues that must be addressed."

            AB 3 (Statham) of 1993, would have placed a question before  
            the voters at the November 8, 1994, statewide general election  
            asking whether the Legislature should send a plan to Congress  
            requesting the division of the state of California into three  
            states.  AB 3 was approved by the Assembly, but was never  
            heard in a committee in the Senate.


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           8)Bill Calling an Election  :  Because this bill calls an election  
            within the meaning of Article IV of the Constitution, it would  
            go into immediate effect if signed by the Governor.


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          Money Out, Voters In (sponsor)
          American Sustainable Business Council
          Beach Cities Democratic Club
          California Clean Money Campaign
          California Common Cause
          California School Employees Association, AFL-CIO
          Democracy for America
          Free Speech for People
          LAX-Area Democratic Club
          Miracle Mile Democratic Club
          Rebuild the Dream
          Robert F. Kennedy Democratic Club
          Sierra County Democratic Central Committee
          West LA Democratic Club
          Department of Finance

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Ethan Jones / E. & R. / (916) 319-2094