BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 1390
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          SB 1390 (Correa)
          As Amended  July 2, 2014
          Majority vote 

           SENATE VOTE  :30-2  
           NATURAL RESOURCES   6-2         APPROPRIATIONS      13-4        
          |Ayes:|Chesbro, Garcia,          |Ayes:|Gatto, Bocanegra,         |
          |     |Muratsuchi, Skinner,      |     |Bradford,                 |
          |     |Stone, Williams           |     |Ian Calderon, Campos,     |
          |     |                          |     |Eggman, Gomez, Holden,    |
          |     |                          |     |Linder, Pan, Quirk,       |
          |     |                          |     |Ridley-Thomas, Weber      |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |Nays:|Dahle, Patterson          |Nays:|Bigelow, Donnelly, Jones, |
          |     |                          |     |Wagner                    |
           SUMMARY :  Establishes the Santa Ana River Conservancy Program  
          (SARCP) within the State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) to address  
          the resource and recreational goals of the Santa Ana River  
          corridor.  Requires SCC to prepare a Santa Ana River Parkway and  
          Open Space Plan as specified.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Establishes the SCC (within the Natural Resources Agency  
            (NRA)) for the purpose of implementing a program of  
            agricultural protection, area restoration, and resource  
            enhancement in the coastal zone within the policies and  
            guidelines established in the California Coastal Act.

          2)Requires SCC to consist of seven members:  the chairperson of  
            the Coastal Commission; the Secretary of NRA; the Director of  
            Finance (Finance); four members of the public, of which two  
            shall be appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate, and one  
            by the Assembly.   Requires three appointed state legislators  
            - three from the Senate and three from the Assembly - to meet  
            with the SCC and participate in its activities to the extent  
            that such participation is not incompatible with their  
            respective positions as legislators.


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          3)Establishes the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program  
            (SFBACP) to be administered by the SCC to undertake and award  
            grants to public access and environmental projects in the nine  
            counties in the San Francisco Bay Area.

          4)Establishes nine other state conservancies that are  
            independent of the SCC:  Baldwin Hills Conservancy; California  
            Tahoe Conservancy; Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy;  
            Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy; San Diego River  
            Conservancy; San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers &  
            Mountains Conservancy; San Joaquin River Conservancy; Santa  
            Monica Mountains Conservancy; Sierra Nevada Conservancy. 

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations  

          1)One-time costs of up to $100,000 (Proposition 84 of 2006) to  
            the SCC to develop the open space plan; and
          2)Ongoing cost pressures in the millions of dollars to existing  
            and future, special fund, bond and General Fund for projects  
            developed and implemented under the program.  

           COMMENTS  :  According to the author:

               The Santa Ana River is an extraordinary natural  
               resource of statewide significance.  Unfortunately,  
               many communities in the Santa Ana River Watershed have  
               poor access to park space and the river faces a number  
               of water management issues.  The watershed has been  
               subject to intense development and is in need of  
               restoration, conservation, and enhancement.

               SB 1390 would establish the Santa Ana River  
               Conservancy Program within the State Coastal  
               Conservancy, which will help develop open space and  
               recreational opportunities; restore and preserve  
               wildlife habitat and natural resources; and enhance  
               conservation efforts.  

          One of the largest river systems in Southern California, the  
          Santa Ana River has largely been channelized, diverted, and  
          urbanized to the point that most of it is unrecognizable as a  
          river.  However, the upper headwaters of the river in the San  


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          Bernardino Mountains still retain a free flowing character and  
          outstanding natural values.

          The headwaters of the Santa Ana River begin just north of the  
          San Gorgonio Wilderness on the San Bernardino National Forest.   
          The Santa Ana flows westerly through more than 20 miles of  
          public lands managed by the United States Forest Service.  Once  
          beyond the mountains and the National Forest boundary, the river  
          flows first between levees and then through concrete channels on  
          its nearly 100 mile trek through the Southern California urban  
          landscape to the Pacific Ocean.

          As stated in this bill, the Santa Ana River is an extraordinary  
          natural resource of statewide significance.  The river has been  
          subject to intense development and is in need of restoration,  
          conservation, and enhancement. 

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Mario DeBernardo / NAT. RES. / (916)  

                                                                FN: 0004724