BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                               SB 1458

                              Senator Jerry Hill, Chair
                              2013-2014 Regular Session
           BILL NO:    SB 1458
           AUTHOR:     Committee on Environmental Quality
           AMENDED:    March 27, 2014
           FISCAL:     Yes               HEARING DATE:     April 2, 2014
           URGENCY:    No                CONSULTANT:       Karen Morrison

            SUMMARY  :    
            Existing law  :

           1) Identifies transporter transfer activities that can occur  
              without a hazardous waste facility permit and authorizes  
              the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to exempt  
              by regulations hazardous waste management activities from  
              hazardous waste management requirements.

           2) Defined requirements for hazardous waste exemptions.

           3) Creates the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund and  
              defines sources of money for the fund.

           4) Specifies the use of money in the Underground Storage Tank  
              Cleanup Fund.

           5) Defines the circumstances under which a claim may be filed  
              under the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Act.

           6) Requires samples taken to determine water quality to be  
              analyzed by an accredited or certified laboratory.

           7) Defines the procedure for administrative review and appeal  
              of decisions by the State Water Resources Control Board  


                                                               SB 1458
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           This bill  :

           1) Updates references to deleted code sections regarding areas  
              of sensitive land use.  This reinstates language  
              inadvertently removed in 2012 prohibiting the holding or  
              transfer of hazardous waste within 500 feet of a home,  
              school, hospital, or day care center. 

           2) Deletes hazardous waste exemption statute that sunsetted on  
              January 1, 2008, and grandfathers in any regulations  
              adopted prior to 2008.

           3) Deposits money received as compensation for investigation  
              or enforcement expenses and money recovered from an  
              overpaid expense into the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup  

           4) Allows the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to pay for  
              loans and specified associated costs for replacing,  
              removing, or upgrading underground storage tanks to conform  
              to a sunset clause.

           5) Clarifies the types of staff decisions for which a claimant  
              may seek administrative review under the Underground  
              Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Act.

           6) Exempts field tests, including color, odor, and  
              temperature, from analysis in a laboratory.

           7) Clarifies the review process by SWRCB to reflect amendments  
              made to the standard of review for stay orders.

           8) Makes various technical modifications to clean up existing  
              code, including correcting drafting errors and department  

            COMMENTS  :

            1) Purpose of Bill  .  This is the Environmental Quality  
              Committee's annual omnibus bill and makes a variety of  
              technical changes for the purposes of code cleanup in the  
              areas of hazardous waste management and water quality.


                                                               SB 1458
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              In 2012, the budget trailer bill SB 1018 (Chapter 39,  
              Statutes of 2012) repealed provisions related to border  
              zone property designations that were unused.  However,  
              remaining statutes contained cross references to a section  
              of the repealed code defining sensitive land use, creating  
              an ambiguity regarding the use of those sections for  
              sensitive land use.  This bill corrects that mistake by  
              reinstating limits on hazardous waste management activities  
              in close proximity to homes, schools, hospitals, and day  
              care centers.  

              The 1991 Governor's Reorganization Plan Number One  
              established the Office of Environmental Health Hazard  
              Assessment (OEHHA) and dictated that environmental risk  
              assessment functions should be transferred from the (then)  
              Department of Health Services to OEHHA under the California  
              Environmental Protection Agency.  Although the  
              reorganization went forward, the Legislature never formally  
              adopted the reorganization or codified the change in agency  
              responsibility.  This bill codifies that transfer of  

            SOURCE  :        Committee on Environmental Quality  

           SUPPORT  :       None on file  

           OPPOSITION  :    None on file