BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

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          76 (Jones)

          As Introduced  May 19, 2015

          Majority vote

          |Committee       |Votes |Ayes                 |Noes                 |
          |                |      |                     |                     |
          |                |      |                     |                     |
          |Rules           |10-0  |Gordon, Chang,       |                     |
          |                |      |Campos, Cooley,      |                     |
          |                |      |Dodd, Jones, Mayes,  |                     |
          |                |      |Rodriguez, Waldron,  |                     |
          |                |      |Wood                 |                     |
          |                |      |                     |                     |
          |                |      |                     |                     |

          SUMMARY:  Commemorates the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta.   
          Specifically, this resolution makes the following legislative  

          1)In response to the accumulation of grievances, heavy taxation,  
            and unsuccessful wars, a group of rebellious barons forced King  
            John of England to agree to limitations on royal power and  
            submit to the rule of law by affixing his seal to a charter of  
            liberties known to posterity as Magna Carta, Latin for the Great  
            Charter, on June 15, 1215, at a meadow beside the river Thames  


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            called Runnymede, near Windsor.

          2)Magna Carta is an early milestone along the path toward freedom  
            and constitutional government, followed by the development of  
            Parliament in the 1260s, the 1606 First Charter of Virginia, the  
            1620 Mayflower Compact and other colonial charters, the 1628  
            Petition of Rights, the 1679 Habeas Corpus Act, and 1689 English  
            Bill of Rights, the 1776 American Declaration of Independence,  
            the 1787 United States Constitution, the 1789 United States Bill  
            of Rights, and the 1948 United Nations' Universal Declaration of  
            Human Rights.

          3)In too many parts of the world, the right to jury trial, habeas  
            corpus, the rule of law, fair legal procedures, reasonable  
            taxation, and the proposition that no government is above the  
            law, principles either enshrined or foreshadowed by Magna Carta,  
            remain goals yet to be attained.

          4)For as long as people celebrate freedom under law, Magna Carta  
            will remain an inspiring example of a people's ability to resist  
            tyranny and arbitrary government and will remain "the Great  
            Charter" of liberties.

          FISCAL EFFECT:  None

          Analysis Prepared by:                                               
          Nicole Willis / RLS. / (916) 319-2800  FN: 0000914


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