BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                     AB 192

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          192 (Travis Allen)

          As Amended  September 1, 2015

          Majority vote

          |ASSEMBLY:  |71-4  |(June 2, 2015) |SENATE: |40-0  |(September 9,    |
          |           |      |               |        |      |2015)            |
          |           |      |               |        |      |                 |
          |           |      |               |        |      |                 |

          Original Committee Reference:  TRANS.

          SUMMARY:  Authorizes the expenditure of funds raised from the  
          existing Pet Lover's specialized license plate program.

          The Senate amendments:

          1)Delete the requirement that the State Coastal Conservancy  
            apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to sponsor a  
            coastal conservancy awareness specialized license plate  
            program, and all provisions related to this proposed  
            specialized license plate program.  

          2)Authorize the revenue received from Pet Lover's specialized  
            license plate program to be used to cover DMV's administrative  
            costs and, upon appropriation, by the Veterinary Medical Board  
            (VMB) for disbursal though a non-profit organization to  


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            qualifying spay and neuter facilities.

          EXISTING LAW:  

          1)Allows any state agency to apply to DMV to sponsor a  
            specialized license plate program.  

          2)Requires DMV to issue specialized license plates for that  
            program if the agency complies with all statutory  

          3)Prohibits DMV from establishing a specialized license plate  
            program for an agency until it has received not less than  
            7,500 paid applications for that agency's specialized license  

          4)Requires the agency to collect and hold applications for the  
            plates.  Once the agency has received at least 7,500  
            applications, it must submit the applications, along with the  
            necessary fees, to DMV.  

          5)Prohibits advance payment to DMV of its estimated or actual  
            administrative costs associated with the issuance of a  
            particular specialized license plate from constituting  
            compliance with the 7,500 application threshold requirement.  

          6)Requires funds accruing to a sponsoring state agency from the  
            sale of specialized license plates to be expended exclusively  
            for projects and programs that promote that agency's official  
            policy, mission, or work.  

          7)Allows specialized license plates to feature a distinctive  
            design, decal, or distinctive message in a two-inch by  
            three-inch space to the left of the plate's numerical sequence  


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            and a space not larger than 5/8-inch in height below the  
            numerical series.

          FISCAL EFFECT:  According to the Senate Appropriations  

          1)The State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) would incur costs of  
            $30,000 in 2015-16 for plate design and development of  
            materials, and likely minor costs in 2016-17, and potentially  
            2017-18, for staff time to collect the initial 7,500  
            applications and fees for the establishment of the plate  
            program (State Coastal Conservancy Fund).  There could be  
            additional costs of approximately $60,000 if SCC executes a  
            marketing strategy to attract applicants.  If the license  
            plate program is implemented, SCC would incur ongoing  
            administrative costs, potentially up to $100,000 annually  
            (Coastal Conservancy Awareness Fund).

          2)Assuming 7,500 pre-paid applications are collected by the SCC,  
            DMV would incur initial administrative costs of $135,000 to  
            process the applications, and an additional $440,000 in  
            programming and other implementation costs, likely in 2017-18  
            or 2018-19, partially offset by pre-paid application fees of  
            $375,000, leaving a net cost of approximately $200,000 (Motor  
            Vehicle Account).  These net costs would be reimbursed in the  
            following fiscal year by registration renewal fees from  
            holders of the coastal conservancy awareness plates.  All  
            ongoing costs thereafter would be fully offset by fees from  
            renewals and issuance of new plates.

          3)Upon full implementation of the proposed plate program, there  
            would be ongoing revenues of approximately $300,000 annually  
            for use by SCC for specified conservancy purposes (based on  
            7,500 plate renewals, and not accounting for administrative  

          4)Diversion of funding for personalizing a coastal conservancy  


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            awareness plate from the California Environmental License  
            Plate Fund to the School Violence Prevention Fund.  See staff  

          5)Likely minor fiscal impacts related to the authority for the  
            VMB to designate a nonprofit entity for administering grant  
            distribution under the Pet Lover's plate program.  The overall  
            limit of 25% for administrative purposes would still apply.  
            (Pet Lover's Fund)

          COMMENTS:  Prior to 2007, any new specialized license plate  
          required specific legislative authorization.  That practice was  
          held to be unconstitutional by the federal courts in that the  
          Legislature approved some of the plates and rejected others,  
          while using no standardized or objective criteria for those  
          decisions.  In response to the court decision, AB 84 (Leslie),  
          Chapter 454, Statutes of 2006, established the current  
          specialized license plate program to provide a forum for  
          government speech that promotes California's state policies.  AB  
          84 excludes private organizations from seeking specialized  
          license plates as a forum for private speech, and thus addresses  
          the court's objection.  

          Plates now created and the revenue they generate must publicize  
          or promote a state agency, or the official policy, mission, or  
          work of a state agency.  Furthermore, the process requires that  
          at least 7,500 paid applications must be received by the state  
          agency prior to notifying DMV.  The 7,500-application threshold  
          was previously put into statute for specialized license plates  
          and was arrived at in an attempt to assure that DMV's startup  
          costs would be fully covered by the portion of the registration  
          fee surcharge that is directed to DMV and to avoid a  
          proliferation of different types of plates, which can be  
          troublesome from a law enforcement perspective.  

          This bill proposes to establish an expenditure framework for the  
          Pet Lover's specialized license plate program.  The VMB  
          sponsored a specialized license plate administratively with the  


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          purpose of funding low- and no-cost animal sterilization  
          services.  That plate received more than 7,500 applications and  
          is now in production.  VMB, as the sponsoring agency for the Pet  
          Lover's specialized license plate program, must retain the  
          oversight for granting funds collected through the specialized  
          plate program to qualified providers.  However, VMB does not  
          have sufficient staff to administer the program and is seeking  
          assistance from a non-profit organization to provide general  
          administrative support, such as providing recommendations for  
          grant criteria, accepting and reviewing grant applications, and  
          making recommendations to VMB regarding eligible providers of  
          low-cost spay and neuter services.  Under this bill, VMB would  
          retain its authority and responsibility to make decisions  
          regarding awarding grants, and would oversee the distribution of  
          the funds, but may contract with a qualified non-profit for  
          general administrative support.

          Analysis Prepared by:                   Manny Leon / TRANS. /  
          (916) 319-2093                                 FN: 0001957