BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |SENATE RULES COMMITTEE            |                        AB 323|
          |Office of Senate Floor Analyses   |                              |
          |(916) 651-1520    Fax: (916)      |                              |
          |327-4478                          |                              |


          Bill No:  AB 323
          Author:   Olsen (R), et al.
          Amended:  4/6/15 in Assembly
          Vote:     21  

           AYES:  Wieckowski, Gaines, Bates, Hill, Jackson, Leno, Pavley

           ASSEMBLY FLOOR:  79-0, 4/27/15 (Consent) - See last page for  

           SUBJECT:   California Environmental Quality Act: exemption:  
                     roadway improvement

          SOURCE:    Author

          DIGEST:  This bill extends the January 1, 2016 sunset date to  
          January 1, 2020, on an exemption from the California  
          Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for projects to repair,  
          maintain, and make minor alterations to existing roadways under  
          specified conditions.


          Existing law, under CEQA:

          1)Requires lead agencies with the principal responsibility for  
            carrying out or approving a proposed discretionary project to  
            prepare a negative declaration, mitigated declaration, or  
            environmental impact report (EIR) for this action, unless the  
            project is exempt from CEQA (CEQA includes various statutory  


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  2

            exemptions, as well as categorical exemptions in the CEQA  
            guidelines).  (Public Resources Code (PRC) §21000 et seq.).

          2)Requires lead agencies with the principal responsibility for  
            carrying out or approving a proposed project to prepare a  
            negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or EIR   
             for this project, unless the project is exempt from CEQA. 

          3)Exempts from CEQA, until January 1, 2016, minor roadway  
            repairs, maintenance and minor alterations as follows (PRC  

             a)   Requires the project to meet the following conditions:

               i)     The project is carried out by a city or county with  
                 a population of less than 100,000 to improve public  

               ii)    The project does not cross a "waterway" (defined as  
                 a bay, estuary, lake, pond, river, slough, or a  
                 perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral stream, lake, or  
                 estuarine-marine shoreline).

               iii)   The project involves negligible or no expansion of  
                 an existing use.

               iv)    The project is not on a state roadway.


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  3

               v)     The site of the project does not contain wetlands,  
                 riparian areas, or significant wildlife habitat value and  
                 does not harm any protected species, impact cultural  
                 resources, or affect scenic resources.

             a)   Requires the lead agency to:  

               i)     Include measures in the project to mitigate  
                 potential vehicular traffic and safety impacts and  
                 bicycle and pedestrian safety impacts. 

               ii)    Hold a noticed public hearing on the project to hear  
                 and respond to public comments. 

               iii)   File a notice of exemption with the Office of  
                 Planning and Research (OPR).

          This bill extends the January 1, 2016 sunset date to January 1,  
          2020, on an exemption from CEQA, pursuant to PRC §21080.37, for  
          projects to repair, maintain, and make minor alterations to  
          existing roadways under specified conditions.


          1) CEQA:  Environmental review process.  CEQA provides a process  
             for evaluating the environmental effects of a project, and  
             includes statutory exemptions as well as categorical  
             exemptions in the CEQA guidelines.  If a project is not  
             exempt from CEQA, an initial study is prepared to determine  
             whether a project may have a significant effect on the  
             environment.  If the initial study shows that there would not  


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  4

             be a significant effect on the environment, the lead agency  
             must prepare a negative declaration.  If the initial study  
             shows that the project may have a significant effect on the  
             environment, then the lead agency must prepare an EIR.

          Generally, an EIR must accurately describe the proposed project,  
             identify and analyze each significant environmental impact  
             expected to result from the proposed project, identify  
             mitigation measures to reduce those impacts to the extent  
             feasible, and evaluate a range of reasonable alternatives to  
             the proposed project.  Prior to approving any project that  
             has received an environmental review, an agency must make  
             certain findings.  If mitigation measures are required or  
             incorporated into a project, the agency must adopt a  
             reporting or monitoring program to ensure compliance with  
             those measures.

          If a mitigation measure would cause one or more significant  
             effects in addition to those that would be caused by the  
             proposed project, the effects of the mitigation measure must  
             be discussed but in less detail than the significant effects  
             of the proposed project.
          2) What is analyzed in an environmental review? Pursuant to  
             CEQA, an environmental review analyzing the significant  
             direct and indirect environmental impacts of a proposed  
             project, may include water quality, surface and subsurface  
             hydrology, land use and agricultural resources,  
             transportation and circulation, air quality and greenhouse  
             gas emissions, terrestrial and aquatic biological resources,  
             aesthetics, geology and soils, recreation, public services  
             and utilities such as water supply and wastewater disposal,  
             cultural resources, and tribal cultural resources. 

          The analysis must also evaluate the cumulative impacts of any  
             past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects/activities  
             within study areas that are applicable to the resources being  
             evaluated.  A study area for a proposed project must not be  
             limited to the footprint of the project because many  
             environmental impacts of a development extend beyond the  
             identified project boundary.  Also, CEQA stipulates that the  
             environmental impacts must be measured against existing  


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  5

             physical conditions within the project area, not future,  
             allowable conditions. 

          1) Purpose of Bill.  According to the author, "California has  
             four times as many traffic fatalities on rural non-interstate  
             roads compared to all other roads.  Oftentimes, small  
             communities come across minor or emergency roadway repairs  
             that need to be made quickly.  To delay or halt those repairs  
             is to impact the safety and economic health of small  
             communities that may have limited road alternatives.  AB 323  
             would allow the streamlined process to continue to save  

          2) Has this exemption been used yet? AB 890 (Olsen, Chapter 528,  
             Statutes of 2012) established the exemption, which is the  
             subject of AB 323.  Among the conditions, AB 890 required  
             lead agencies claiming this exemption to file a notice of  
             exemption with OPR.  OPR reports no notices filed to date, so  
             it appears that the AB 890 exemption has yet to be used.  To  
             preserve the Legislature's ability to periodically evaluate  
             the effects of this exemption, AB 323 extends the sunset to  
             January 1, 2020.

          3) What is lost with a CEQA exemption?  It is not unusual for  
             certain interests to assert that a particular exemption will  
             expedite construction of a particular type of project and  
             reduce costs.  This, however, frequently overlooks the  
             benefits of adequate environmental review where lead and  
             responsible agencies are legally accountable for their  
             actions to: 

                 Inform decisionmakers and the public about project  
                 Identify ways to avoid or significantly reduce  
               environmental damage; 
                 Prevent environmental damage by requiring feasible  
               alternatives or mitigation measures; 
                 Disclose to the public reasons why an agency approved a  
               project if significant environmental effects are involved; 
                 Involve public agencies in the process; and, 


                                                                     AB 323 
                                                                    Page  6

                 Increase public participation in the environmental  
               review and the planning processes.

             If a project is exempt from CEQA, certain issues should be  
             addressed.  For example:

                 How can decisionmakers and the public be aware of  
               impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives of a project  
               because of the exemption?

                 Is it appropriate for the public to live with the  
               consequences when a project is exempt and impacts may not  
               be mitigated and alternatives may not be considered  
               regarding certain matters, such as air quality, water  
               quality, and noise impacts?

                 Because adverse project impacts do not disappear when  
               they are not identified and mitigated, does an exemption  
               result in a direct transfer of responsibility for  
               mitigating impacts from the applicant to the public (i.e.,  
               taxpayers) if impacts are ultimately addressed after  
               completion of the project?

                 If taxpayers, rather than the project applicant, are  
               ultimately responsible for mitigating certain impacts of  
               such a project after project completion, what assessments  
               or taxes will be increased to fund mitigation or pay for  
               alternatives at a later date?

             It is also not unusual for certain interests to blame CEQA  
             lawsuits.  However, according to a study on the issue,  
             "Despite criticisms that CEQA often results in litigation,  
             CEQA-related litigation is relatively rare."  The study noted  
             that the number of lawsuits to the number of CEQA reviews  
             "yields an estimate of one lawsuit per 354 CEQA reviews."

             Those citing CEQA and CEQA litigation as a problem do not  
             indicate the result of that litigation.  Were significant  
             impacts that were not evaluated in the initial document  
             ultimately addressed?  What would have been the result if  
             those impacts had not been mitigated (e.g., flooding,  
             exposure of people to hazards, inadequate public services,  


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  7


          Related/Prior Legislation

          AB 890 (Olsen, Chapter 528, Statutes of 2012) exempted a project  
          or activity from CEQA to repair, maintain, or make minor  
          alterations to an existing roadway if certain conditions are  
          met, and sunsets January 1, 2016.

          FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    No          Fiscal  
          Com.:NoLocal:    No

          SUPPORT:   (Verified6/18/15)

          American Society of Civil Engineers Region 9
          Association of California Cities - Orange County
          California Association of Councils of Governments
          California Chamber of Commerce
          California Central Valley Flood Control Association
          California Construction Trucking Association
          California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance
          California State Association of Counties
          City of Camarillo
          City of Fountain Valley
          City of Indian Wells
          City of Ventura
          County of Tuolumne
          League of California Cities
          Rural County Representatives of California
          Southwest California Legislative Council
          Town of Danville
          Transportation Agency for Monterey County
          United Contractors

          OPPOSITION:   (Verified6/18/15)

          None received


                                                                     AB 323  
                                                                    Page  8

          ASSEMBLY FLOOR:  79-0, 4/27/15
          AYES:  Achadjian, Alejo, Travis Allen, Baker, Bigelow, Bloom,  
            Bonilla, Bonta, Brough, Brown, Burke, Calderon, Chang, Chau,  
            Chávez, Chiu, Chu, Cooley, Cooper, Dababneh, Dahle, Daly,  
            Dodd, Eggman, Frazier, Beth Gaines, Gallagher, Cristina  
            Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gatto, Gipson, Gomez, Gonzalez,  
            Gordon, Gray, Grove, Hadley, Harper, Roger Hernández, Holden,  
            Irwin, Jones, Jones-Sawyer, Kim, Lackey, Levine, Linder,  
            Lopez, Low, Maienschein, Mathis, Mayes, McCarty, Medina,  
            Melendez, Mullin, Nazarian, Obernolte, O'Donnell, Olsen,  
            Patterson, Perea, Quirk, Rendon, Ridley-Thomas, Rodriguez,  
            Salas, Santiago, Steinorth, Mark Stone, Thurmond, Ting,  
            Wagner, Waldron, Weber, Wilk, Williams, Wood, Atkins
          NO VOTE RECORDED:  Campos

          Prepared by:Joanne Roy / E.Q. / (916) 651-4108
          6/18/15 13:44:55

                                   ****  END  ****