BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                     AB 532

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          Date of Hearing:  April 15, 2015


                                  Rudy Salas, Chair

          AB 532  
          McCarty - As Amended April 20, 2015

          SUBJECT:  State agencies:  collection of data:  ancestry or  
          ethnic origin

          SUMMARY:  Requires any state agency, board, or commission that  
          collects demographic data, as specified, to provide forms that  
          offer the respondents the option of identifying as multiracial  
          and selecting one or more ethnic or racial designations.   
          Specifically, this bill:

          1)Requires state agencies, boards, or commissions when reporting  
            respondents data to any other state agency, board, or  
            commission to tabulate and report all of the following:

             a)   The number or percentage of respondents who identify  
               with each ethnic or racial designation alone.

             b)   The number or percentage of respondents who identify  
               with each ethnic or racial designation in combination with  
               other ethnic or racial designations.

             c)   The number or percentage of respondents who identify  


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               with multiple ethnic or racial designations.

             d)   Federally mandated actions related to civil rights  
               monitoring and enforcement.

          2)Requires state agencies, boards, or commissions to comply as  
            reasonably feasible, but no later than January 1, 2022.

          3)Allows any state agency, board, or commission that collects  
            demographic data from a local agency to continue to collect  
            and report that data in the form the local agency submits.

          EXISTING LAW requires a state agency, board, or commission that  
          directly, or by contract, collects demographic data as to the  
          ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians, to use separate  
          collection categories and tabulations for each major Asian group  
          and each major Pacific Islander group.  This data is required to  
          be made available to the public in accordance with state and  
          federal law, except for personal identifying information, which  
          shall be deemed confidential. (Government Code 8310.5)

          FISCAL EFFECT:  Unknown 

          COMMENTS:  Data collection by state agencies, boards, or  
          commissions that collect demographic data is not uniform across  
          these entities.  Existing law sets minimum requirements but does  
          not limit the amount of information an entity may collect. 

          For example, the California Department of Education requires  
          schools to collect and report data consistent with federal  
          requirements for education eligibility and accountability  
          reports.  Putting both state and federal data collection  


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          requirements for schools together yields the following for the  
          category of race:

          1)American Indian or Alaska Native
          2)13 different Asian codes (This is per California state law.   
            The federal government only has an Asian category.)

          3)Filipino (This is per California state law.  The federal  
            government includes Filipino within the Asian category.)

          4)Black or African American


          This bill would add to this list a single racial designation of  
          "multiracial" and allow for more than one racial designation to  
          be identified.  

          The discussion on how best to capture demographic data is  
          dynamic and constantly evolving. Understanding diversity allows  
          policy decision makers to craft public policy to better serve  
          all Californians, ranging from more effective education in  
          schools to more accessible health care across the state.

          Current collection forms seek to provide multiple racial  
          designations from which an individual may select more than one  
          designation to express their racial identity.  Difficulty  
          arises, however, when an individual finds that their racial  
          identity cannot be accurately expressed through the limited  


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          number of racial designations listed on the forms.  Race  
          organizations have identified the need for individuals who  
          consider themselves multiracial to have the option of  
          self-identifying as simply "multiracial" as opposed to  
          attempting to express their racial identity through an ever  
          expanding list of racial designations.

          This bill seeks to preserve both approaches.  By adding a racial  
          designation of "multiracial" in combination with allowing more  
          than one ethnic or racial designation, this bill allows  
          individuals to choose the method that best suits them.

          State agencies, boards and commissions would be required to  
          update forms, software, hardware or information collections  
          procedures no later than January 1, 2022. 

          The introduced version of this bill did not include the use of a  
          specific "multiracial" race designation.  This led to opposition  
          from Project Race.  The author chose to amend this bill to  
          include this option.



          California Immigrant Policy Center (Prior version)



                                                                     AB 532

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          Project Race (Prior version)

          Analysis Prepared by:William Herms / A. & A.R. / (916) 319-3600