BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |SENATE RULES COMMITTEE            |                       AB 1513|
          |Office of Senate Floor Analyses   |                              |
          |(916) 651-1520    Fax: (916)      |                              |
          |327-4478                          |                              |

                                   THIRD READING 

          Bill No:  AB 1513
          Author:   Williams (D)
          Amended:  9/9/15 in Senate
          Vote:     21  

           SENATE LABOR & IND. REL. COMMITTEE:  5-0, 6/24/15
           AYES:  Mendoza, Stone, Jackson, Leno, Mitchell

           SENATE LABOR & IND. REL. COMMITTEE:  4-1, 9/9/15 (pursuant to  
            Senate Rule 29.10)
           AYES:  Mendoza, Jackson, Leno, Mitchell
           NOES:  Stone

           ASSEMBLY FLOOR:  79-0, 4/16/15 (Consent) - See last page for  

           SUBJECT:   Employment: workers compensation and piece-rate  
                     compensation.Employment: Workers compensation and  
                     piece-rate compensation

          SOURCE:    Author

          DIGEST:   This bill provides an affirmative defense and safe  
          harbor for employers who, by December 15, 2016, fully compensate  
          their employees, as specified, for all under-compensated or  
          uncompensated rest periods, recovery periods, or unproductive  
          time between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015.

          Existing law:


                                                                    AB 1513  
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          1)Requires that, when an employee is compensated on a "piece  
            rate" basis, the employer must include in the employee's wage  
            stub the number of piece-rate units earned and any applicable  
            piece rate if the employee is paid on a piece-rate basis.   
            (Labor Code §226)
          2)Provides that, if an employee suffers injury as a result of a  
            knowing and intentional failure by an employer to provide a  
            wage stub, the employee is entitled to recover the greater of  
            all actual damages or $50 for the initial pay period in which  
            a violation occurs and $100 per employee for each violation in  
            a subsequent pay period, not to exceed an aggregate penalty of  
            $4,000, and is entitled to an award of costs and reasonable  
            attorney's fees. (Labor Code §226 (e))

          3)Provides that the Industrial Welfare Commission with the  
            ability to adopt or amend working condition orders with  
            respect to break periods, meal periods, and days of rest for  
            any workers in California consistent with the health and  
            welfare of those workers.  (Labor Code §516)

          4)Requires every employer to authorize and permit all employees  
            to take rest periods, which insofar as practicable shall be in  
            the middle of each work period. The employer must provide a  
            rest period of 10 minutes for every 4 hours worked, and rest  
            periods must be counted as hours worked and not be deducted  
            from the employee's wages.  (IWC Wage Orders 1-15; Labor Code  

          5)Requires that, if an employer fails to provide an employee a  
            rest period, the employer must pay the employee one hour of  
            pay at the employee's regular rate of compensation for each  
            workday that the rest period is not provided.  
          (IWC Wage Orders 1-15; Labor Code §226.7)

          6)Provides additional rest periods, known as recovery periods,  
            to provide employees with a cooloff period to avoid heat  
            illness.  If an employer fails to provide an employee a  
            recovery period, the employer must pay the employee one hour  
            of pay at the employee's regular rate of compensation for each  
            workday that the rest period is not provided.  (Labor Code  

          Existing court decisions require that nonproductive time, which  
          is time under the employer's control for which the employee is  


                                                                    AB 1513  
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          not producing "pieces", rest periods, and recovery periods must  
          be compensated separately and distinctly at the minimum wage or  
          more. (Gonzelez v. Downtown LA Motors (215 Cal.App.4th 36  
          (2013)) and Bluford v. Safeway Stores (C066074 (2013)))

          This bill:

          1)Codifies the Gonzalez and Bluford decisions that nonproductive  
            time, rest breaks, and recovery breaks are separately  
          2)Codifies that, for rest and recovery periods, the rate of  
            compensation is the higher of the average hourly rate or the  
            applicable minimum wage.

          3)Codifies that, for nonproductive time, the rate of  
            compensation is not less than the minimum wage.

          4)Codifies how nonproductive time, rest breaks, and recovery  
            break compensation is calculated.

          5)Allows employers to utilize an affirmative defense against  
            claims of an employer's failure to timely pay compensation due  
            for rest periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time if  
            the alleged failure occurred between July 1, 2012, and  
            December 31, 2015 if the employer: 

             a)   Make payments to all current and former piece-rate  
               employees for uncompensated or undercompensated rest and  
               recovery periods and nonproductive time, plus interest,  
               from July 1, 2012, to December 31, 2015; or

             b)   Make payments to all current and former piece-rate  
               employees in an amount equal to 4% of the gross earnings  
               from July 1, 2012, to December 31, 2015. Deductions for  
               previous separate payments for rest, recovery, and  
               nonproductive time are permitted, but must not exceed 1% of  
               the employee's gross earnings during the same period. 

             c)   Provides a statement to the current and former employees  
               that shows the calculation of hours worked and how the  
               employer determined the wages due.

             d)   Provides payment to the current and former employees no  
               later than December 15, 2016. 


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             e)   Provide notice to the Labor Commissioner on the  
               employer's election to make payments to current and former  
               employees by July 1, 2016.

             f)   Preserves all records of hours worked, calculations of  
               hours worked, and records of make whole payments to  
               employees until December 16, 2020, and also furnish these  
               records to the current or former employee upon request.

            If the employer complies with the above, the employer shall  
            have an affirmative defense for any action that seeks back  
            wages, penalties, or liquidated damages relating to an  
            employer's failure to timely pay compensation due for rest  
            periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time, including  
            to paying less than the minimum wage or having an inaccurate  
            wage stub.

          6)Permits specified employers to have an additional four months  
            to program their payroll systems as long as the employer pays  
            piece rate employees for all rest and recovery periods at or  
            above the applicable minimum wage during the extension and  
            pays the difference between the amounts paid and the amounts  
            owed, plus interest, by April 30, 2016. To qualify for this  
            additional four months, an employer must:

             a)   Have been acquired by another legal entity on or after  
               July 1, 2015 and before October 1, 2015;

             b)   Have employed at least 4,700 employees in this state at  
               the time of the acquisition;

             c)   Have employed at least 17,700 employees nationwide at  
               the time of the acquisition; and

             d)   Have been a publically traded company on a national  
               securities exchange at the time of the acquisition.

          7)Tolls the statute of limitations from January 1, 2016 to July  
            1, 2016 for any claims based on the failure to compensate rest  
            periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time for  
            piece-rate compensated employees where the employer has not  
            provided notice to employees as discussed above. If the  
            employer has provided a notice to the former or current  


                                                                    AB 1513  
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            employee, the statute of limitations is tolled until December  
            15, 2016.

          8)Prohibits the safe harbor from applying to any of the  

             a)   The damages or penalties were previously awarded in an  
               order or judgment that was final and not subject to further  
               appeal as of January 1, 2016;

             b)   Claims where the employees were not advised of their  
               right to take rest or recovery breaks, the breaks were not  
               made available, or employees were discouraged from taking  
               such breaks;

             c)   Claims based on the failure to provide paid rest  
               periods, recovery periods, or nonproductive time asserted  
               in an action filed prior to April 1, 2015 where the case  
               contains an allegation that the employer has intentionally  
               stolen wages through the use of fictitious worker names; 

             d)   Claims asserted in a court filing prior to March 1, 2014  
               or claims asserted prior to March 1, 2014 and amended prior  
               to July 1, 2015; 

             e)   Claims for unpaid wages, damages, and penalties that  
               accrue after January 1, 2016; and

             f)   An employer that is a new motor vehicle dealer.

          Piece rate compensation and recent court decisions.  Piece rate  
          compensation, as the name suggests, is a method of calculating  
          worker compensation by piece or unit, rather than by hour. For  
          example, workers could be paid by unit sewn, bushel picked, or  
          truck unpacked. However, under both federal and state law, the  
          worker's compensation must still be at least the minimum wage  
          for the hours worked. This requirement is well established in  
          the law, and it was not the subject of recent litigation.  
          Rather, recent litigation addressed whether nonproductive time  
          and rest breaks needed to be counted as hours worked when  
          calculating the minimum wage equivalency for piece rate wages.


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          As was discussed above, both Gonzalez and Bluford found that  
          rest periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time must be  
          compensated separately and at least at the minimum wage. While  
          these decisions were in keeping with prior legal decision and  
          statutes in California, many stakeholders raised concerns on the  
          impact of Gonzalez and Bluford. For employers who did not  
          compensate their employees for their nonproductive time, the  
          potential liability from these decisions on employers can be  

          Post-Gonzalez, it is clear the employer would be liable for  
          separately compensated nonproductive time, rest breaks, and  
          recovery breaks. However, the employer would also face, at a  
          minimum, liability for paying less than the minimum wage,  
          producing an incorrect wage stub, and failure to provide rest  
          breaks. These violations trigger a penalty structure that is  
          geared for employers who refuse to follow the minimum wage law  
          and engage in wage theft, rather than employers who were caught  
          up in an adverse court decision. This creates a challenging  
          dynamic: while on one hand some employers may be facing  
          insolvency due to liability they could not foresee, aggrieved  
          workers are owed wages for their time.

          How AB 1513 works.  Broadly speaking, AB 1513 can be divided  
          into two portions. The first portion deals with separate  
          compensation for nonproductive time and rest and recovery  
          periods. The second portion creates a narrow safe harbor for  
          employers to address their liability under Gonzalez and Bluford.  
          Each with be discussed below.

          Piece rate compensation and separate compensation for  
          nonproductive time and rest and recovery periods.  As noted  
          above, both Gonzalez and Bluford held that piece rate workers  
          must separately compensate the workers' nonproductive time, as  
          well as their rest and recovery breaks. AB 1513 codifies that  
          requirement, with nonproductive time being separately  
          compensated at the minimum wage or higher. Importantly, however,  
          rest and recovery periods would be separately compensated as an  
          average of the hourly piece rate. By doing so, it would ensure  
          that workers are not facing a disincentive in the form of a  
          lower average hourly wage if they take necessary breaks for  
          their health and well-being.


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          AB 1513's safe harbor provisions.  As was discussed above, AB  
          1513 contains an unusual provision: a limited safe harbor for  
          employers from claims resulting from Gonzalez and Bluford. In a  
          nutshell, the AB 1513 safe harbor provides an 11  month window  
          for the employer to do the following:

          1)Calculate back wages for both former and current workers;

          2)Notifying the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement that the  
            employer is utilizing the safe harbor;

          3)Transmitting the back wages the effected workers, including  
            information on how the back wages were calculated; and

          4)If, after due diligence, a worker cannot be found,  
            transmitting the wages to DLSE, with a processing fee.

          If an employer decides to do all of the above, he or she would  
          have a limited safe harbor from resulting from the Gonzalez and  
          Bluford decisions. However, it is important to note that the  
          safe harbor isn't a simple immunity from claims due to  
          underpayment or nonpayment of nonproductive time and/or rest and  
          recovery periods. Rather, it is an affirmative defense - the  
          employer would need to prove-up that he or she met the above  
          requirements. Outside of a good faith error, the employer loses  
          the affirmative defense if he or she fails to meet the above  
          requirements, and therefore loses access to the safe harbor. 

          FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    No          Fiscal  
          Com.:YesLocal:   Yes

          SUPPORT:   (Verified9/10/15)

          California Conference of Machinists
          California Labor Federation
          California Teamsters Public Affairs Council
          California Trucking Association
          Driscoll's Strawberry Associates, Inc.
          Grimmway Enterprises, Inc.
          Maricopa Orchards
          Monterey County Farm Bureau


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          The Wonderful Company

          OPPOSITION:   (Verified9/10/15)

          California Citrus Mutual
          California Cotton Growers Association
          California Cotton Ginners Association
          California Employment Law Council
          California Fresh Fruit Association
          California Grain and Feed Association
          California Pear Growers Association
          California Tomato Growers Association 
          Nisei Farmers League
          Western Agricultural Processors Association 

          ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT:     Proponents argue that AB 1513  
          addresses a historically vexing challenge of calculating  
          appropriate piece rate compensation, yet balances the needs of  
          workers and employers. Specifically, proponents note that AB  
          1513 provides clear guidance for employers on appropriate wages  
          during rest periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time,  
          and that these wage rates would not create disincentives for  
          workers who want to take their breaks. Proponents also note that  
          AB 1513 that provides an affirmative defense for employers, but  
          only if they retroactively compensate employees for their rest  
          periods, recovery periods, and nonproductive time. Proponents  
          argue that AB 1513 is a fair compromise for both employers and  
          workers, addressing a situation where there was a significant  
          development in case law.

          ARGUMENTS IN OPPOSITION:     Opponents, including California  
          Citrus Mutual and the California Cotton Growers Association,  
          oppose AB 1513. While acknowledging that AB 1513 allows  
          employers to come into compliance and avoid continued exposure  
          from non-productive time wage claims, opponents argue that AB  
          1513 contains provisions that unfairly excludes participation by  
          some agricultural employers. Opponents argue that safe-harbor  
          exclusions, as expressly inserted by use of the March 1, 2014  
          date sacrifices some companies to continued legal exposure in  
          exchange for legal protections afforded to others. Opponents  


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          also point to the provision excluding any company for which an  
          active claim is open alleging the adding of "ghost" employees to  
          reduce or eliminate employee wages from use of payment  
          calculation formulas and exposure protections afforded by AB  

          ASSEMBLY FLOOR:  79-0, 4/16/15
          AYES:  Achadjian, Alejo, Travis Allen, Baker, Bigelow, Bloom,  
            Bonilla, Bonta, Brough, Brown, Burke, Calderon, Campos, Chang,  
            Chau, Chávez, Chiu, Chu, Cooley, Cooper, Dababneh, Dahle,  
            Daly, Dodd, Eggman, Frazier, Beth Gaines, Gallagher, Cristina  
            Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gatto, Gipson, Gomez, Gonzalez,  
            Gordon, Gray, Grove, Hadley, Harper, Roger Hernández, Holden,  
            Irwin, Jones, Jones-Sawyer, Kim, Lackey, Levine, Linder,  
            Lopez, Low, Maienschein, Mathis, Mayes, McCarty, Medina,  
            Melendez, Mullin, Nazarian, Obernolte, O'Donnell, Olsen,  
            Patterson, Perea, Rendon, Ridley-Thomas, Rodriguez, Salas,  
            Santiago, Steinorth, Mark Stone, Thurmond, Ting, Wagner,  
            Waldron, Weber, Wilk, Williams, Wood, Atkins
          NO VOTE RECORDED:  Quirk

          Prepared by:  Gideon L. Baum / L. & I.R. / (916) 651-1556
          9/11/15 8:43:13

                                   ****  END  ****