BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                             Senator Ricardo Lara, Chair
                            2015 - 2016  Regular  Session

          AB 1765 (Irwin) - CaliforniaVolunteers:  nonprofit public  
          benefit corporation
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          |Version: April 19, 2016         |Policy Vote: G.O. 13 - 0        |
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          |Urgency: No                     |Mandate: No                     |
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          |Hearing Date: August 1, 2016    |Consultant: Mark McKenzie       |
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          This bill meets the criteria for referral to the Suspense File.

          Summary:  AB 1765 would authorize CaliforniaVolunteers to form a  
          nonprofit public benefit corporation or other tax-exempt entity  
          for fundraising purposes.  The nonprofit's mission would be to  
          support the funding of CaliforniaVolunteers programming and  
          administrative costs, as well as other priorities identified by  
          the CaliforniaVolunteers executive board or the Governor.

           Estimated CaliforniaVolunteers administrative costs of  
            approximately $200,000 and one PY to staff the nonprofit  
            foundation. (General Fund, private funds)

          Background:  Existing law, pursuant to Executive Order S-24-06, establishes  
          California Volunteers in the Governor's Office (housed within  


          AB 1765 (Irwin)                                        Page 1 of  
          the Office of Planning and Research) with the following duties  
          and responsibilities: (1) to recruit and mobilize citizens for  
          volunteer service by identifying service opportunities  
          throughout the state and by recognizing citizen contributions as  
          volunteers and participants in public service; (2) to serve as  
          the state's lead agency for community service and volunteerism,  
          as specified; and (3) to partner with other public agencies at  
          the state, county, and local levels, and the private and  
          not-for-profit sectors, to leverage greater resources and create  
          more opportunities for service and volunteerism.
          Existing federal law establishes the National and Community  
          Service Trust Act of 1993, which requires each state governor to  
          create and appoint a commission to administer the AmeriCorps  
          volunteer program.  AmeriCorps engages Americans in intensive  
          service each year at nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and  
          community and faith-based groups across the country.   
          CaliforniaVolunteers administers the state AmeriCorps program,  
          issuing annual requests for applications and awarding federal  
          grants in a competitive process to eligible applicants,  
          including local governments and nonprofit organizations.  The  
          grants support community partnerships that engage AmeriCorps  
          members to meet state and local challenges through service and  
          volunteer action.

          CaliforniaVolunteers also administers other programs that engage  
          volunteers and foster partnerships to address community needs,  
          such as the Disaster Volunteering and Preparedness program, the  
          Service Enterprise Initiative, and the Business Partners  

          Proposed Law:  
            AB 1765 would authorize CaliforniaVolunteers to form a  
          tax-exempt public benefit nonprofit corporation or other  
          tax-exempt entity that is qualified to raise revenues and  
          receive financial support from public or private sources, for  
          the purpose of undertaking or funding authorized activities.   
          Any grants or financial support received by the nonprofit  
          fundraising entity must be used solely for governmental purposes  
          approved by CaliforniaVolunteers for activities within its  
          authority, and no more than 10 percent of those funds could be  


          AB 1765 (Irwin)                                        Page 2 of  
          used for the nonprofit entity's administrative costs.
          The bill also specifies that the mission of the nonprofit entity  
          would be to support the funding of CaliforniaVolunteers  
          programming and administrative costs, and to support any  
          priorities set forth by the Governor or the CaliforniaVolunteers  
          board of commissioners.  The authority to establish the  
          nonprofit fundraising entity would expire if the Governor  
          rescinds the establishment of CaliforniaVolunteers or the  
          executive order that created it.

          Legislation:  AB 706 (Bonilla), which was vetoed by the Governor  
          last year, would have established the California AmeriCorps  
          -science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program,  
          administered by CaliforniaVolunteers.  AB 706 would have also  
          authorized the formation of a nonprofit public benefit  
          corporation similar to the authority provided in this bill.  The  
          Governor's veto message stated the following:
               This bill establishes the California AmeriCorps STEM  
               program and authorizes California Volunteers to form a  
               non-profit foundation for fundraising purposes.  I applaud  
               the author for promoting math and science through  
               volunteerism in California, but without a funding source  
               the program established in this bill would not be viable.

          Comments:  This bill would provide CaliforniaVolunteers with the  
          authority to establish a nonprofit entity for fundraising  
          purposes to raise supplemental public and private money that  
          could be used fund a broader range of programs and provide  
          necessary matching funds to enhance AmeriCorps opportunities in  
          rural and low-income communities.  Staff assumes that  
          CaliforniaVolunteers would need additional staff with  
          fundraising expertise for the nonprofit foundation, at an annual  
          cost of approximately $200,000.  Although these costs would  
          initially be paid from the General Fund, they could be partially  
          or fully offset in future years by a portion of funds raised by  
          the nonprofit entity (up to 10 percent of any grants or  


          AB 1765 (Irwin)                                        Page 3 of  
          financial support received by the nonprofit may be used for  
          administrative purposes).

                                      -- END --