BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                    AB 2862

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          2862 (O'Donnell)

          As Amended  August 19, 2016

          Majority vote

          |ASSEMBLY:  |80-0  |(June 1, 2016) |SENATE: | 39-0 | (August 23,     |
          |           |      |               |        |      |2016)            |
          |           |      |               |        |      |                 |
          |           |      |               |        |      |                 |

          Original Committee Reference:  ED.

          SUMMARY:  Authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction  
          (SPI), in consultation with the Instructional Quality Commission  
          (IQC), to recommend to the State Board of Education (SBE)  
          revisions to the visual and performing arts (VAPA) standards and  
          requires the SBE to adopt, reject, or modify any revisions by  
          January 31, 2019.  

          The Senate amendments:

          1)Require that the IQC consult with the SPI on the selection of  
            subject matter experts, holding public hearings, and  
            recommending revised standards to the SBE.

          2)Specify dance, theatre, music, and visual arts as the subjects  
            in which standards are to be revised.


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          3)Require that, by November 30, 2018, the SPI present to the SBE  
            the revised standards.

          4)Change from January 1, 2019, to January 31, 2019, the date by  
            which the SBE is required adopt, reject, or modify any  
            revisions to the VAPA standards recommended by the SPI.

          5)Require that, if the SBE modifies standards it provide written  
            reasons for the revisions in a public meeting, and requires  
            that the standards be adopted at a subsequent meeting, no  
            later than March 31, 2019.

          6)Require that if the SBE rejects the standards it transmit a  
            written explanation to the SPI, the Governor, and the  
            appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature.

          7)Require the SBE, once the standards are adopted, to consider  
            the adoption of an aligned curriculum framework and evaluation  
            criteria for instructional materials by July 31, 2020.

          8)Authorize the SBE to adopt instructional materials for grades  
            one to eight which are aligned to the revised VAPA standards  
            by November 30, 2021.

          FISCAL EFFECT:  According to the Senate Appropriations  

          1)Costs to the California Department of Education (CDE) of  
            approximately $660,000 General Fund if the SPI chooses to  
            recommend to the SBE revisions to the standards.  These costs  
            are attributable to selecting and consulting with a group of  
            subject matter experts in developing the standards and for  
            expert writer contracts.


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          2)Cost pressure in the millions General Fund/Proposition 98 of  
            1988 to make corresponding revisions to the visual and  
            performing arts curriculum framework and evaluation criteria  
            for instructional materials.  Cost pressure also related to  
            the implementation of instructional materials and providing  
            professional development to implement the revised standards.


          Need for the bill.  According to the author's office, "Extensive  
          research demonstrates the connection between visual and  
          performing arts education and student engagement.  Arts  
          education contributes to higher test scores and reduces truancy  
          and dropout rates.

          "Adopted in 2001, California's visual and performing arts  
          standards are one of the oldest sets of state standards that  
          have not been revised (or had a framework revision), and are in  
          urgent need of an update to allow students to benefit from  
          current curriculum, instruction, and instructional materials.   
          Since 2001 major changes have occurred in teaching and  

          "Arts education provides key opportunities for critical  
          thinking and inquiry - hallmarks of the state's Common Core  
          State Standards - but our current arts curriculum is out of  
          alignment with these standards.  This represents a tremendous  
          missed opportunity for students and teachers.  Ten percent of  
          California's jobs are in the creative industry, and 8% of the  
          state's productivity is related to the arts.  It is in the  
          economic interest of students and the state to provide students  
          the most current and relevant instruction so that they are  
          career-ready in the arts."

          VAPA standards the oldest set not revised in some manner.  Apart  


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          from History-Social Science (for which a new framework was  
          recently adopted), the VAPA standards adopted in 2001 are the  
          oldest set of state standards.  

          According to the author, California's 2001 standards are not  
          reflective of many changes in the field of VAPA, and create a  
          mixed message for educators in the field.  The College Board  
          notes that while "arts educators commonly report expectations in  
          their districts that arts teaching and learning practices will  
          be aligned with the goals and objectives of the Common Core,"  
          California's standards are not aligned with the Common Core  
          state standards.  The author states that teaching credential  
          candidates being trained in preparation programs are being  
          trained with the new National Core Arts Standards because they  
          are aligned to the Common Core state standards, but when hired  
          to teach in the public schools are expected to teach - and are  
          evaluated on the basis of - the state's outdated standards.  In  
          addition, the VAPA curriculum framework is due to be revised in  
          2020, and an update to content standards is needed prior to the  
          framework revision, or the new framework will reflect outdated  

          Process similar to SB 1200 (Hancock), Chapter 654, Statutes of  
          2012, for revising math and science standards.  The process  
          proposed by this bill for the updating of VAPA standards is very  
          similar to the one required by SB 1200, for the revising of  
          standards in mathematics and science.  In both of those content  
          areas, state standards were updated to align with national  
          standards (Common Core State Standards in mathematics, and the  
          Next Generation Science Standards).  That bill authorized the  
          SPI to consult with a group of experts and to recommend revised  
          standards to the SBE.  The SBE was authorized to adopt, reject,  
          or modify the standards, and was required to provide a written  
          explanation for any modifications.  One difference between this  
          bill and prior standards revision bills is the role of the IQC.   
          In this bill the IQC is required to consult with the SPI through  
          several steps of the revision process.

          Analysis Prepared by:                                             


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                          Tanya Lieberman / ED. / (916) 319-2087  FN:  