BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                    AB 2891

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          Date of Hearing:  April 12, 2016


                                  Luis Alejo, Chair

          AB 2891  
             (Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials) - As  
                            Introduced February 29, 2016

          SUBJECT:  Household hazardous waste:  guidelines

          SUMMARY:  Requires the Department of Resources, Recycling and  
          Recovery (CalRecycle) to consult with the State Water Resources  
          Control Board (State Water Board) and the Department of Toxic  
          Substances Control (DTSC) when preparing guidelines and state  
          policy to guide the efforts of local agencies when providing  
          household hazardous waste (HHW) collection, recycling, and  
          disposal programs.  Specifically, this bill:  

             1)   Requires CalRecycle to consult with the State Water  
               Board in addition to the DTSC in preparing guidelines and a  
               state policy to guide the efforts of local agencies when  
               providing HHW collection, recycling, collection and  
               disposal programs.

             2)   Requires CalRecycle, beginning January 1, 2019, and  
               thereafter annually to update and post the HHW guidelines  
               on its Internet Web site.

          EXISTING LAW:  


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             1)   Requires the California Integrated Waste Management  
               Board (CIWMB, now CalRecycle) to prepare, in consultation  
               with DTSC, guidelines and a state policy to guide the  
               efforts of local agencies to provide household hazardous  
               waste collection, recycling, and disposal programs. 

             2)   Vests CalRecycle with all of the authority, duties,  
               powers, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction of the  
               CIWMB.  (Public Resources Code 40401)

             3)   Requires the guidelines for HHW management programs to  
               include the following elements:  a) the development of a  
               model operation plan for community household hazardous  
               waste collection, recycling and disposal programs, and, b)  
               the establishment of guidelines on the generic types of  
               household hazardous substances that should be disposed of  
               as hazardous waste, and c) guidelines on the safe  
               management of hazardous wastes generated by households  
               which may be excluded from HHW collection programs, but may  
               require some special handling.  

             4)   Defines household hazardous waste as hazardous waste  
               generated incidental to owning or maintaining a place of  
               residence. Household hazardous waste does not include waste  
               generated in the course of operating a business concern at  
               a residence.

             5)   Finds that residential households that generate small  
               amounts of hazardous waste need an appropriate means of  
               disposing of the hazardous waste they generate. Counties  
               and cities provide for the collection of household  
               hazardous waste as a community service to ensure proper  
               handling and disposal of the hazardous material and to  
               prevent the potential contamination of solid waste  


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          FISCAL EFFECT:  Unknown. 


          Need for the bill: Households generate many wastes that are  
          banned from solid waste landfill disposal and therefore cannot  
          be placed in a home's garbage, down the drain or abandoned.   
          Items such as household batteries, paint, fluorescent tubes and  
          bulbs, pesticides and used oil are considered hazardous and  
          require special handling and management under state law. Many  
          residents are unaware or confused as to the proper management  
          methods for these hazardous products; which poses an additional  
          challenge for local governments when running HHW collection  
          programs.  Many stakeholders have been working to increase  
          collection and decrease costs of the management of these HHW.

          Household hazardous waste: Many common household products, such  
          as batteries, paint and compact fluorescent bulbs, contain  
          potentially hazardous ingredients and as a result require  
          special handling once they become a waste. Once these products  
          become a waste, if they are handled or disposed of incorrectly,  
          they can pose a threat to human health, animals and the  
          environment. When these products are discarded, they become  
          "household hazardous waste." In California, it is illegal to  
          dispose of HHW in the trash, down the drain, or by abandonment.  
          HHW is typically managed through a HHW Program run by local  

          This bill provides various technical, non-controversial changes  
          to the Public Resources Code dealing with the management of  
          household hazardous waste. 


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          None on file. 


          None on file. 

          Analysis Prepared by:Josh Tooker / E.S. & T.M. / (916) 319-3965