BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |SENATE RULES COMMITTEE            |                          SB 7|
          |Office of Senate Floor Analyses   |                              |
          |(916) 651-1520    Fax: (916)      |                              |
          |327-4478                          |                              |

                                   THIRD READING 

          Bill No:  SB 7
          Author:   Wolk (D), et. al.
          Vote:     21  

           SENATE TRANS. & HOUSING COMMITTEE:  11-0, 4/14/15
           AYES:  Beall, Cannella, Allen, Bates, Gaines, Galgiani, Leyva,  
            McGuire, Mendoza, Roth, Wieckowski
           AYES: Lara, Bates, Hill, Mendoza
           NOES: Nielsen
           NO VOTE RECORDED: Beall, Leyva

           SUBJECT:   Housing:  water meters:  multiunit structures

          SOURCE:    Author

          DIGEST:  This bill authorizes the adoption of building standards  
          which require water submeters.


          Existing law authorizes the Department of Housing and Community  
          Development (HCD) to develop building standards and to submit  
          those standards to the California Building Standards Commission  
          (BSC) for approval.
          This bill:


                                                                       SB 7  
                                                                    Page  2

          1)Authorizes HCD to develop a building standard for water  
            submeters and to submit that standard to the BSC for approval.

          2)States that the intent of the bill is to encourage water  
            conservation and to ensure that water submetering practices  
            are just and reasonable.


          1)The ultimate purpose of this bill is to create a framework for  
            water submetering, though there is no language in this bill to  
            that effect save the intent language.  Last year this author  
            had two bills, SB 411 and SB 750, to establish a water  
            submetering regime for newly constructed apartment buildings.   
            Both bills failed in the Assembly. 

          2)Most apartment houses are master-metered for water; the rates  
            are closely regulated.  To the water utility, the water  
            customer is the landlord of the apartment building, not the  
            tenants of the individual apartments, and there is generally  
            only one meter for the aggregate usage of the property.  This  
            makes it much easier for the utility in that it has to service  
            only one customer, the landlord, who presumably recovers this  
            cost in the rent.  Because individual tenants aren't billed  
            for their water consumption, and don't even know how much  
            water they are using, there is little incentive for tenants to  
            conserve.  Increasingly, new apartment buildings have water  
            meters installed for individual apartments, a practice known  
            as submetering.

          3)Studies show that submetering reduces water use.  A study  
            jointly sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,  
            the National Apartment Association, and others showed that  
            individual submetering can reduce water consumption by 15%.

          4)Water submetering has many virtues.  It benefits landlords,  
            who can charge tenants for the cost of water.  It benefits  
            tenants, who can control their water cost based on usage.  It  
            benefits water suppliers, as customers who are billed based on  
            usage use less.  But submetering raises significant financial  


                                                                       SB 7  
                                                                    Page  3

            and consumer protection issues:  who pays for the submeters,  
            where are they installed, who is responsible for the accuracy  
            of the meters and rendering the bill, what is the cost for  
            rendering the bill, what is an appropriate rate design, how  
            are disputes resolved, etc.  The author and many interested  
            parties are working on these issues.  A consensus has not been  

          FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    No          Fiscal  
          Com.:YesLocal:   No

          According to the Senate Appropriations Committee:

           HCD administrative costs of $244,000 over two years ($127,000  
            in the first year, $114,000 in the second year) for 1 limited  
            term PY of staff to develop the proposed building standards  
            (Building Standards Administration Special Revolving Fund).

           Minor and absorbable costs for the BSC to adopt the proposed  
            building standard in the next or subsequent triennial code  
            adoption cycle.

          SUPPORT:   (Verified4/27/15)

          California Municipal Utilities Association
          Santa Clara Valley Water District
          Sierra Club of California
          U.S. Green Building Council
          One individual

          OPPOSITION:   (Verified4/27/15)

          None received


                                                                       SB 7  
                                                                    Page  4

          Prepared by:Randy Chinn / T. & H. / (916) 651-4121
          4/29/15 16:07:44

                                   ****  END  ****