BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |SENATE RULES COMMITTEE            |                       SCR 136|
          |Office of Senate Floor Analyses   |                              |
          |(916) 651-1520    Fax: (916)      |                              |
          |327-4478                          |                              |

                                    THIRD READING

          Bill No:  SCR 136
          Author:   Leyva (D), et al.
          Vote:     21  

           SUBJECT:   Better Hearing and Speech Month

          SOURCE:    California Speech-Language-Hearing Association

          DIGEST:  This resolution recognizes May 2016 as Better Hearing and  
          Speech Month.
          ANALYSIS:  This resolution makes the following legislative  

          1)An estimated 40 million Americans have some type of  
            communication and swallowing disorder, costing the United  
            States approximately $154 to $186 billion annually due to lost  
            work productivity, special education, and medical treatment.

          2)Those citizens of California who have overcome their  
            communication and swallowing disabilities through the services  
            of dedicated audiologists and speech-language pathologists  
            should be recognized.

          3)California also recognizes and values the efforts of all  
            audiologists and speech-language pathologists throughout our  
            nation who work to help these individuals with communication  
            and swallowing disorders to lead independent, productive, and  
            fulfilling lives.


                                                                    SCR 136  
                                                                    Page  2

          4)California is proud and honored to have audiologists and  
            speech-language pathologists offering quality education and  
            health care services to its citizens.

          This resolution proclaims the month of May 2016 as Better  
          Hearing and Speech Month and encourages all citizens to  
          recognize the achievements of audiologists and speech-language  
          pathologists in improving the quality of life for people with  
          communication and swallowing disorders.


                                                                    SCR 136  
                                                                    Page  3

          Prior Legislation

          SCR 40 (Leyva, Resolution Chapter 55, Statutes of 2015)  
          recognized May 2015 as Better Hearing and Speech Month.

          FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    No          Fiscal  
          Com.:NoLocal:    No

          SUPPORT:   (Verified5/3/16)

          California Speech-Language-Hearing Association (source)

          OPPOSITION:   (Verified5/3/16)

          None received

          Prepared by:  Jonas Austin / SFA / (916) 651-1520
          5/6/16 14:24:34

                                   ****  END  ****