BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |SENATE RULES COMMITTEE            |                        SB 253|
          |Office of Senate Floor Analyses   |                              |
          |(916) 651-1520    Fax: (916)      |                              |
          |327-4478                          |                              |

                                   THIRD READING 

          Bill No:  SB 253
          Author:   Monning (D), et al.
          Amended:  6/2/15  
          Vote:     21  

           SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE:  5-0, 4/21/15
           AYES:  McGuire, Berryhill, Hancock, Liu, Nguyen

           SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE:  6-0, 4/28/15
           AYES:  Jackson, Anderson, Hertzberg, Leno, Monning, Wieckowski
           NO VOTE RECORDED:  Moorlach

           AYES:  Lara, Bates, Beall, Hill, Leyva, Mendoza, Nielsen

           SUBJECT:   Dependent children:  psychotropic medication

          SOURCE:    National Center for Youth Law

          DIGEST:   This bill provides that an order of the juvenile court  
          authorizing psychotropic medication shall require clear and  
          convincing evidence that administration of the medication is  
          based on the best interest of the child and a determination of  
          the court of specified documentation and confirmations from the  
          prescribing physician. This bill also prohibits the  
          authorization of psychotropic medications without a second  
          independent medical opinion under specified circumstances.  
          Additionally, this bill requires the court to conduct a review  
          to determine specified information regarding the efficacy of the  
          child's treatment plan, no later than 60 days after  
          authorization for psychotropic medication, or at the next review  


                                                                     SB 253  
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          hearing, as specified.


          Existing law:
          1) Provides that only a juvenile court judicial officer shall  
             have authority to make orders regarding the administration of  
             psychotropic medications for a minor who has been adjudged a  
             dependent of the court and removed from the physical custody  
             of his or her parent. (WIC 369.5)

          2) Requires court authorization for the administration of  
             psychotropic medication to be based on a request from a  
             physician, indicating the reasons for the request, a  
             description of the minor's diagnosis and behavior, the  
             expected results of the medication, and a description of any  
             side effects of the medication. Requires the Judicial Council  
             to adopt rules of court and develop appropriate forms. (WIC  

          3) Requires, within seven court days from receipt, the juvenile  
             court judicial officer to either approve or deny in writing a  
             request for authorization for the administration of  
             psychotropic medication, or to set the matter for hearing.  
             (WIC 369.5)

          This bill:
          1) Repeals existing law pertaining to the court authorization of  
             psychotropic medications under WIC 369.5 as of July 1, 2016,  
             and enacts the following changes to existing law as of July  
             1, 2016.

          2) Requires the court to ensure, when authorizing administration  
             of a psychotropic medication, that the medication is only one  
             part of a comprehensive treatment plan for the child, which  
             shall specify the psychosocial services the child will  


                                                                     SB 253  
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             receive in addition to any authorized medication.

          3) Provides that an order of the juvenile court authorizing  
             psychotropic medication shall require clear and convincing  
             evidence that administration of the medication is in the best  
             interest of the child based on a determination that the  
             anticipated benefits of the psychotropic medication outweigh  
             the short- and long-term risks associated with the  

          4) Provides that an order authorizing psychotropic medication  
             shall only be granted if the court determines all of the  

                   Documentation has been provided confirming the child's  
                caregiver and the child have been informed, in an age and  
                developmentally appropriate manner, about the recommended  
                medications, as specified, and asked whether either have  
                concerns, and the nature of those concerns, as specified.

                   Written consent for a child that is over the age of 14  
                has been obtained, as specified. 

                   The medication is not being used as punishment, for  
                the convenience of staff, as a substitute for less  
                invasive treatments, or in quantities or dosages that  
                interfere with the child's treatment program.

                   The prescribing physician confirms specified  
                information including that a comprehensive examination has  
                been conducted, as defined; there are no less invasive and  
                effective treatment options available; the dosage or is  
                appropriate for the child; the short and long-term risks  
                associated with the medications do not outweigh the  
                benefits; and all appropriate lab screenings,  
                measurements, or tests for the child have been completed  
                in accordance with accepted medical guidelines.

                   A plan is in place for regular monitoring of the  
                child's medication and psychosocial treatment plan, the  
                effectiveness of the medication and psychosocial  


                                                                     SB 253 
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                treatment, and any potential side effects of the  

          1) Prohibits the authorization of psychotropic medications  
             without a second independent medical opinion under specified  

          2) Requires the California Department of Health Care Services  
             (DHCS), in collaboration with the Judicial Council to  
             identify resources, including but not limited to  
             university-based consultation services, to assist the courts  
             in securing second medical opinions.

          3) Prohibits the authorization of psychotropic medications  
             unless the court is provided documentation that all of the  
             appropriate lab screenings, measurements, or tests have been  
             completed, no more than 30 days prior to the submission of  
             the request. 

          4) Requires the court, no later than 45 days following an  
             authorization for a new psychotropic medication, or at the  
             next review hearing scheduled, whichever is earlier, to  
             conduct a review to determine specified information related  
             to the efficacy and safety of the medication.

          5) Requires the court to reconsider, modify, or revoke its  
             authorization if it determines that the proffered benefits of  
             the medication have not been demonstrated or that the risks  
             of the medication outweigh the benefits.

          6) Specifies the conditions by which a psychotropic medication  
             may be administrated without court authorization in an  



                                                                     SB 253  
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          Psychotropic medication use in children. Concern over the use of  
          psychotropic medications among children has been well-documented  
          in research journals and the mainstream media for more than a  
          decade. The category of psychotropic medication is broad,  
          intending to treat symptoms of conditions ranging from ADHD to  
          childhood schizophrenia. Some of the drugs used to treat these  
          conditions are U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved,  
          including stimulants like Ritalin for ADHD, however only about  
          31% of psychotropic medications have been approved by the FDA  
          for use in children or adolescents. It is estimated that more  
          than 75% of the prescriptions written for psychiatric illness in  
          this population are "off label" in usage, meaning they have not  
          been approved by the FDA for the prescribed use, though the  
          practice is legal and common across all manner of  

          Anti-psychotic medications, used to treat more severe mental  
          health conditions, have very limited approval by the FDA for  
          pediatric use beyond rare and severe conduct problems that are  
          resistant to other forms of treatment, such as Tourette's  
          syndrome, behavioral symptoms associated with autistic disorder,  
          childhood schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. However, the  
          off-label use of these anti-psychotics among children is high,  
          particularly among foster children. 

          According to a study published in 2011, children who took  
          antipsychotic medications were likely to suffer ill health  
          effects including "cardiometabolic and endocrine side-effects"  
          as well as significant weight gain. The authors recommended that  
          collaboration between child and adolescent psychiatrists,  
          general practitioners and pediatricians is essential to "reduce  
          the likelihood of premature cardiovascular morbidity and  
          mortality." Compounding the potential for unintended side  
          effects is the use of combinations of psychotropic medications,  
          which foster youth are particularly likely to be prescribed,  
          despite limited evidence of clinical efficacy. Protecting the  
          health and well-being of children who are taking one or more  
          psychotropic medications requires extensive and ongoing health  
          and metabolic screenings to identify potential adverse effects  
          quickly, however in practice many children many fail to receive  
          ongoing screenings and adverse effects may go undetected,  
          causing permanent injury or death.


                                                                     SB 253  
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          Recent media highlighted growing concerns that psychotropic  
          medications have been relied on by California's child welfare  
          and children's mental health systems as a means of controlling,  
          instead of treating, youth who suffer from trauma-related  
          behavioral health challenges. A series published in the San Jose  
          Mercury News detailed significant challenges in accessing  
          pharmacy benefits claims data held by DHCS, eventually overcome  
          through a Public Records Act request and lengthy negotiations,  
          and it demonstrated that prescribing rates, dosages and regimens  
          were far higher and more concerning than had been anticipated by  
          child welfare system experts.

          Court oversight mechanisms.  SB 543 (Bowen, Chapter 552,  
          Statutes of 1999) mandated that, once a child has been adjudged  
          a dependent of the state, only the court may authorize  
          psychotropic medications for the child, based on a request from  
          a physician that includes the following: 

                 The reasons for the request;
                 A description of the child's diagnosis and behavior;
                 The expected results of the medication; and 
                 A description of any side effects of the medication. 

          In accordance with this statute, the Administrative Office of  
          the Courts established a series of court documents generally  
          referred to as "the" JV-220, which includes a statement  
          completed and signed by the prescribing physician that includes  
          the child's diagnosis, relevant medical history, other  
          therapeutic services, the medication to be administered, and the  
          basis for the recommendation. 

          Oversight concerns. A broad range of stakeholders have expressed  
          concerns with the efficacy of current oversight mechanisms  
          citing the limited scope of information that is available on the  
          JV-220 and a lack of access to medical experts able to assist in  
          evaluating medical information. Further, due to frequent  
          placement changes of dependent youth, important medical history  
          may not accompany the youth such that prior, or current  
          medication regimens, may not be disclosed to a judge,  


                                                                     SB 253  
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          prescribing physician, social worker or caregiver. Additionally  
          important information related to alternative non-pharmacological  
          treatments that may have been tried may not be available and  
          this important information is often left blank on the JV-220.  
          The JV-220 form has been criticized for offering little  
          opportunity for input from the community of representatives and  
          caregivers involved with the youth, except to offer a short  
          window of opportunity to formally object. Furthermore, the form  
          does not include information related to medically important  
          metabolic screenings.

          FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    No          Fiscal  
          Com.:YesLocal:   Yes

          According to the Senate Appropriations Committee:

           One-time costs of $77,000 (GF - Trial Court Trust Fund)  
            associated with Judicial Council's updating of forms and rules  
            of court.  

           Annual costs ranging from $0.9 million to $1.8 million (GF -  
            Trial Court Trust Fund) for review hearings for approximately  
            9,000 requests for psychotropic medication authorizations each  
            year (based on match of CWS/CMS data with DHCS pharmacy claims  
            from FFY 2013).

           Annual costs of about $1 million (GF - Trial Court Trust Fund)  
            for approximately 9,000 requests for psychotropic medication  
            authorizations per year associated with managing documents.

           Annual costs of about $1.3 million (Federal Funds/General  
            Fund) for social workers to identify cases that require a  
            second opinion, make arrangements for the youth to be examined  
            by the second medical practitioner, ensure the child's  
            screenings, lab tests, and measurements have occurred no more  
            than 30 days from the date of the request to the court, and  
            attend the additional review hearings. 

           Potentially major increase in Medi-Cal program costs in the  
            low millions of dollars (FF/GF) annually to the extent the  
            provisions of this bill result in additional medical  
            examinations for second opinions, as well as an increase in  


                                                                     SB 253  
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            lab screenings, measurements, and tests completed that  
            otherwise would not occur under existing law. 

           Potentially significant offsetting decrease in Medi-Cal  
            program costs (FF/GF) to the extent the enhanced oversight and  
            monitoring results in reduced use of psychotropic medications  
            for these youth. To the extent the reduced utilization of  
            these medications is replaced with alternative treatment  
            options/psychosocial services, this bill could result in  
            additional offsetting costs. 

          SUPPORT:   (Verified6/1/15)

          National Center for Youth Law (source)
          Alameda County Board of Supervisors
          Alameda County Foster Youth Alliance
          Attorney General Kamala Harris
          American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
          California Alliance of Child and Family Services
          California CASA Association
          California CASA Association, Santa Cruz County
          California Youth Connection
          Children's Advocacy Institute
          Children's Law Center of California
          Children's Partnership
          Dependency Legal Group of San Diego
          East Bay Children's Law Offices
          East Bay Community Law Center
          First Focus Campaign for Children
          Humboldt County Transition Age Youth Collaboration
          John Burton Foundation
          Legal Advocates for Children and Youth
          Peers Envisioning and Engaging in Recovery Services
          Youth Law Center
          11 individuals

          OPPOSITION:   (Verified6/1/15)

          None received


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          ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT:  According to the author, nearly one in  
          four children placed in foster care receive powerful  
          psychotropic drugs, and that of these children, 52% are given  
          antipsychotics, drugs that include risk factors that can lead to  
          life-long disabilities such as tremors, obesity, and diabetes.   
          Additionally, the author states that 48% of foster children are  
          given antidepressants that include an FDA black box warning for  
          use by children.

          The author states that frequent monitoring of children given  
          psychotropic medications is required as part of the health care  
          guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, the American  
          Diabetes Association and the American Association of Child and  
          Adolescent Psychiatrists. However, the required baseline lab and  
          blood tests were completed for fewer than four in ten children  
          administered a psychotropic drug. The author states that this  
          bill will provide courts with key factors to consider when  
          making these potentially life-changing medical decisions.

          Prepared by:Sara Rogers / HUMAN S. / (916) 651-1524
          6/2/15 20:20:31

                                   ****  END  ****