BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                    SB 1082

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          1082 (McGuire)

          As Amended  March 28, 2016

          Majority vote

          SENATE VOTE:  39-0

          |Committee       |Votes|Ayes                  |Noes                |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |Local           |9-0  |Eggman, Waldron,      |                    |
          |Government      |     |Alejo, Bonilla, Chiu, |                    |
          |                |     |Cooley,               |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |                |     |Beth Gaines, Gordon,  |                    |
          |                |     |Linder                |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |
          |                |     |                      |                    |

          SUMMARY:  Increases, from $25,000 to $50,000, the amount for  
          which the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space  
          District (SCAPOSD) may enter into contracts without a formal bid  
          process for supplies, materials, labor, or other valuable  
          consideration for any purpose.  Specifically, this bill:  


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          1)Allows, with the approval of the board of directors (board),  
            the general manager of SCAPOSD to bind the district, in  
            accordance with board policy, and without advertising, for the  
            payment of supplies, materials, labor, or other valuable  
            consideration for any purpose, including new construction of a  
            building, structure, or improvement, in amounts not exceeding  

          2)Requires all expenditures authorized above to be reported to  
            the board at its next regular meeting.

          3)Finds and declares that a special law is necessary and that a  
            general law cannot be made applicable within the meaning of  
            Section 16 of Article IV of the California Constitution  
            because of the unique financial situation of the districts  
            affected by this bill.

          FISCAL EFFECT:  None


          1)Bill Summary.  This bill increases, from $25,000 to $50,000,  
            the amount for which SCAPOSD may enter into contracts without  
            a formal bid process for supplies, materials, labor, or other  
            valuable consideration for any purpose, including  
            construction.  This bill is sponsored by the author.

          2)Author's Statement.  According to the author, "Since 2002, the  
            SCAPOSD has been designated as an open space district with a  
            $25,000 threshold for entering into contracts without a formal  
            bidding process? The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors  


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            recently passed a resolution to raise the threshold, from  
            $25,000 to $50,000, for all departments under their  
            jurisdiction for entering into contracts without a formal  
            bidding process.  The purpose of SB 1082 is to keep the  
            SCAPOSD consistent with all other departments in Sonoma  
            County.  Furthermore, AB 745 [(Levine), Chapter 42, Statutes  
            2014] (Levine, 2014), recognized the impact of inflation and  
            rising costs of doing business by raising the threshold for  
            all parks and open space districts statewide from $10,000 to  
            $25,000.  However, the SCAPOSD did not receive a proportional  
            raise.  SB 1082 will not only create consistency across Sonoma  
            County, but also save the County hundreds of hours of staff  
            time and thousands of dollars each year.  These resources will  
            be spent on opening more trails, protecting vulnerable  
            ecosystems, and preserving open spaces for parks and  

          3)Background.  SCAPOSD was created in 1990 to permanently  
            protect the greenbelts, scenic viewsheds, farms and ranches  
            and natural areas of Sonoma County.  To date, SCAPOSD has  
            acquired or protected 106,000 acres of farmland and open  
            space.  A quarter cent sales tax, authorized through 2031,  
            supports the majority of SCAPOSD's roughly $36 million annual  

            In 2015, SCAPOSD issued five non-construction contracts that  
            cost between $25,000 and $50,000, and has or expects to issue  
            another three contracts in this price range as of June 30,  
            2016.  SCAPOSD cites an average administrative cost of $7,360  
            per contract for projects in this price range.  SCAPOSD has  
            been using the California Uniform Public Construction Cost  
            Accounting Act for construction projects costing less than  

          4)Park and Open Space District Bid Requirements.  Park and/or  
            open space districts generally must comply with state law  


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            requiring them to publicly bid new construction and  
            maintenance work that will exceed specified costs.  This is  
            consistent with state law for all local agencies, based on  
            policy that seeks to balance open and transparent use of  
            public funds with efficient and cost-effective government  

            Prior law sets bid limits for these districts at $10,000 for  
            non-construction work, and $25,000 for construction contracts.  
             However, the Legislature allowed exceptions to these  
            thresholds for three districts:  the East Bay Regional Park  
            District (EBRPD), Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District  
            (MROSD), and SCAPOSD.  These districts were allowed to  
            contract for any purpose for up to $25,000 without bidding.   
            These exceptions were based on a recognition that public  
            bidding may not be cost-effective in all cases, particularly  
            when the costs of time delays and resources expended on  
            contract preparation and bidding are disproportionate to a  
            contract's scope and total cost.  

            AB 745 (Levine), Chapter 42, Statutes of 2014, raised the  
            limit to $25,000 for all park and open-space districts for all  
            purposes, both construction and non-construction, resulting in  
            a uniform statute for all of these districts.  In 2015, AB 495  
            (Gordon), Chapter 149, Statutes of 2015, increased the limit  
            to $50,000 for EBRPD and MROSD.  This bill raises the bid  
            threshold for SCAPOSD to match the authority of EBRPD and  

          5)Arguments in Support.  The Sonoma County Agricultural  
            Preservation and Open Space District, in support, writes, "The  
            current limit of $25,000 was established through legislation  
            more than 30 years ago.  Since then, inflation has  
            significantly reduced the size and scope of projects this  
            limit allows.  With an average administrative cost of $7,360  
            per contract in the $25,000 to $50,000 range, the proportion  


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            of resources spent on administration is well beyond what is  
            reasonable for these relatively small projects.  In 2015 the  
            District spent $44,160 on the administration of six projects.   
            These funds are better spent on necessary improvements by the  

          6)Arguments in Opposition.  None on file.

          Analysis Prepared by:                                             
                          Angela Mapp / L. GOV. / (916) 319-3958  FN:  