BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                 Leroy F. Greene, Chairman
                  1997-98 Regular Session

BILL NO:       SB 187
AUTHOR:        Hughes
AMENDED:       April 10, 1997
FISCAL COMM.:  Yes                      HEARING DATE: April  
16, 1997
URGENCY:       No             CONSULTANT: Nancy Anton

This bill was heard by the Senate Education Committee on  
March 12, 1997 but no vote was taken.  The bill has been  
amended since that hearing.


This bill requires school districts and county offices of  
education (COE's) to establish school safety planning  
committees, as specified, and  to develop a comprehensive  
school safety plan, as specified.


Current law expresses the Legislature's intent that all  
public schools develop comprehensive school safety plans  
that address the safety concerns identified by the site  
through a systematic planning process.  Current law  
identifies a number of items these plans may contain  
including (1) a current assessment of school crime, (2)  
strategies and programs that will provide a high level of  
school safety, and (3) specified actions to be taken in  
conjunction with local law enforcement as specified. 

Current law also expresses the Legislature's intent that,  
in developing these plans, school sites use existing  
resources including the materials, services and matching  
grant funds of the School Safety Partnership, which is  
elsewhere provided for in statute.  Existing school site  
councils are expressly authorized to be responsible for  
developing these plans. 



  This bill  revises, expands and makes mandatory provisions  
of existing law relating to comprehensive safety plans for  
school sites.  Specifically, this bill:

1)   Requires each school site, by September 1, 1998, to  
     develop a school safety plan, as specified, to be  
     evaluated annually and amended, if needed.   The bill  
     provides that these plans include, but not be limited  
     to, a number of specified components;  current law  
     only authorizes that safety plans include these  
     components.  The bill requires school sites to submit  
     their completed plans to their districts or COE, and  
     for the districts or COE's to notify the State  
     Department of Education by October 15, 1998 of any  
     school sites which have not so complied. 

2)   Requires each school site to establish a school safety  
     planning committee to develop its plan.  The bill  
     provides that these committees may be composed of  
     members of an existing committee as long as at a  
     minimum, the following are included as members:  the  
     principal (or designee), the teacher who is the  
     representative of the recognized certificated employee  
     organization, the classified employee who is the  
     representative of the recognized classified employee  
     organization and a parent elected specifically for  
     this purpose.  The bill authorizes the committee, by  
     majority vote, to authorize others, as specified, to  
     assist it.

3)   Specifies that the collective bargaining process be  
     used to establish the length of time members shall  
     serve on this committee and the process for removing  

4)   Requires this committee to consult in writing with law  
     enforcement agencies.

5)   Prohibits the committee from contracting with private  
     consultants to develop its safety plan.

6)   Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to  
     withhold from a school district's apportionment an  


     amount up to half of the district superintendent's  
     annual salary if the district does not establish  
     school safety plans as provided in this bill.  These  
     funds would be held in trust until the school safety  
     plan has been established and then released.

1)    Penalty Provisions  .  The bill provides for up to half  
     of a district superintendent's salary to be withheld  
     if a school site fails to develop a school safety plan  
     in accordance with this bill.  The bill also specifies  
     the membership of the site committee responsible for  
     developing the plan.  Accordingly, if this committee  
     fails, or refuses to act, the superintendent's salary  
     is jeopardized yet the superintendent cannot change  
     the composition of the site committee.  Does this make  

2)    Another Committee  ?  This bill, in essence, requires  
     that a committee be created to carry out the  
     provisions of this bill.  Where it allows an existing  
     committee to carry out the duties, it requires how  
     that committee be constituted, thereby essentially  
     necessitating the creation of an additional committee.  
      Current law already provides for a School Site  
     Council; in addition, there are numerous other site  
     and district committees.  Should more flexibility be  
     given to sites to use existing committees or create a  
     committee composed of members as they see fit rather  
     than create a new committee?

3)    Do It Yourself  .  The bill prohibits the school safety  
     committees established by this bill from contracting  
     with private consultants to develop their  
     comprehensive school safety plans.  Does this make  
     sense?  Given that teachers and principal's primary  
     training and focus is in educating students -- and  
      should be  in educating students -- are they  
     necessarily the best qualified to develop safety  
     plans?  It may make more sense to free them to spend  
     time developing curriculum and preparing lesson plans  
     rather than safety plans.  Also, it may be more  
     expeditious and less costly for a district to contract  
     with an agency specializing in safety and have them  
     work with all of the district's sites in developing  


     such plans.  Accordingly, staff recommends that the  
     bill be amended to delete this prohibition.

4)    Limit Scope of Bill ?  This bill is sponsored by the  
     United Teacher of Los Angeles apparently in response  
     to safety concerns within the Los Angeles Unified  
     School District.  Since current law expresses the  
     Legislature's intent that all public schools develop  
     comprehensive school safety plans, perhaps a statewide  
     mandate is not necessary and, therefore, the  
     provisions of this bill should be limited to that  
     district which is allegedly unable to comply with the  
     intent of existing law? In this case, the bill could  
     be limited to apply only to district's with an ADA of  
     greater than 500,000.


None received on current version of the bill.


None received on current version of the bill.